Kiev and the Donbass for the first time in 2020 exchanged prisoners

Donetsk news Agency

The representative of the DNI in the subgroup of the contact group on humanitarian Affairs Daria Morozova said that the exchange was “11 to 9”, but one man refused to move on the territory of the DNI

Donetsk news Agency

Possible observed social distance. After returning to Kiev liberated the Ukrainians will go to the mandatory visual observation

Donetsk news Agency

Kiev and the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) held the first in 2020, the exchange of detainees. The Kiev side has sent 10 prisoners, Donetsk – 9, said the Ambassador of Russia in the contact group on settlement in Donbass Boris Gryzlov. Exchange of prisoners took place at Gorlovka in the area of PPC “Mayors”, reports TASS.

The representative of the DNI in the subgroup of the contact group on humanitarian Affairs Daria Morozova said that the exchange was “11 to 9”, but one man refused to move on the territory of the DNI.

Also preparations are underway for the exchange of prisoners between Kiev and self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR), told RBC representative of the working group on exchange of prisoners of war from Lugansk Olga Kobzeva. Earlier it was reported that Kiev agreed on the exchange of prisoners with DND and LNR under the formula “19 18” before Easter.

Before the procedure all lists were checked by the representatives of the International Committee of the red cross. For the exchange process observed by the staff of the Special monitoring mission of the OSCE and representative of the DNI in the Joint center for control and coordination ceasefire.

The procedure was completed without incident, the correspondent of RIA “Novosti”. In connection with the danger of the spread of coronavirus, the security forces and the prisoners were in protective masks. Possible observed social distance. After returning to Kiev liberated the Ukrainians are subject to visual observation.

In Telegram channel of the office of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky reported that the ongoing negotiations about the release of Ukrainians who reside in Crimea and other territories of Russia. The office added that the publication in the media of the names of those whom Ukraine is trying to return, complicates the process of their inclusion in the lists for the exemption.