The delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church led by Bishop Victor delivered the Holy fire to Kiev. This writes the information Center of the UOC on Facebook.

According to the report of center, this year the delegation was headed by the President of the UOC Bishop Victor (kotsaba). In addition, the delegation included the General Director of the company “Smart-holding” Alexey Pertin and Bishop of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Dionysius (Pylypchuk).

“The sacred fire IN the UKRAINE…the Delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church delivered the Holy fire to Ukraine”, – stated in the message.

Recall that on Holy Saturday, April 18, in the Lord’s temple of Jerusalem, the Holy fire descended. This is one of the most important ceremonies for Orthodox Christians all over the world.

Earlier we wrote that Metropolitan Onufry has revealed the dangerous virus COVID-19, while the UOC-MP refute this information

In addition, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is a new outbreak of the coronavirus in the capital account infected priests goes on tens. The number of infected priests, the largest monastery in Kiev continues to grow with each passing day.