Latin for products will only appear in a few years, the Ministry of economic developmentPhoto: Ukrainian news

The norm was to enter into force on 1 January 2019

28.12.18 61000

The Ministry of economic development has extended until January 1, 2021 deadlines for mandatory labeling of letters of the Latin and Greek alphabet. This is stated in the press service of the Ministry.

The corresponding order of Ministry of economic development has already passed the procedure of state registration in the Ministry of justice and will come into force after its official publication.

Earlier, in 2015, to meet the requirements of the Association Agreement with the EU, Ukraine adopted Rules on the application of units of measurement.

Under these rules, from 1 January 2016, all producers were obliged to mark the goods measurement units of the International system of SI units (kilograms, centimeters, liters, etc., ed.).

  • READ ALSO: Ukraine has decided to label products for new

“For a gradual transition of the business, in particular drug manufacturers, was supposed to postpone the transition period for marking Latin letters”, – the press-service.

The deadline for amendments was appointed on 1 January 2019.

However, in connection with numerous appeals, the Ministry decided to postpone labeling.

As a result, the Ministry decided to extend the transitional period until 1 January 2021.

Earlier it was reported that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law “About the basic principles and requirements for organic production, handling and labeling organic products.”