In the United States announced the successful test on humans of a vaccine against coronavirus

Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said that American scientists started working on a vaccine against coronavirus in January, “not even knowing what we’re up against”

The White House /

American biotechnology company Moderna announced the positive results of the testing of vaccines against coronaviruses in humans. This was reported on the website of the company.

The vaccine trials began on 16 March at the research center in Seattle (Washington state). They were conducted jointly by Moderna and specialists from the National institutes of health. The test was attended by 45 people.

Moderna stressed that we are talking about intermediate results of the clinical studies in the first phase of testing. The company said that after taking the vaccine, depending on the dose amount of the antibody in volunteers or exceeded the similar indicator in the blood of those who have been exposed to coronavirus or was on the same level. In the first phase of the study, the vaccine proved to safe and all side effects were temporary and resolved spontaneously, serious side effects were not. The final stage of clinical trials to be held in July.

Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said that American scientists started working on a vaccine against coronavirus in January, “not even knowing what we’re up against”. He thanked the scientists for their efforts, and expressed hope that the vaccine will be ready by the end of the year.

In addition to the Moderna test of the vaccine in the United States are the company Inovio Pharmaceuticals and Pfizer, collaborating with the German company Biontech. A major manufacturer of pharmaceutical products Johnson & Johnson plans to begin testing its vaccine in September.

His own vaccine developing in Russia: the National research center of epidemiology and Microbiology (of NIZAM) of Gamaliel hope to register it in August, if “there will be no surprises”. According to scientists, the development of the drug began in mid-February. In its creation helped universal platform, which was previously used against Ebola and the MERS coronavirus (middle East respiratory syndrome). Now the development of a vaccine is in preclinical testing that will last about a month. Then, the center will submit to the Ministry of health documents to obtain permission for clinical trials on humans.

If the research on primates and then on human volunteers succeeds, the production of vaccines against coronavirus in Russia could begin in August. The first will be vaccinated risk group – doctors, law enforcement officers, social workers. If the disease will be seasonal vaccine COVID-19 can further be included in the national vaccination calendar.