In the Odessa shopping center security guard sprayed the teen in the face with tear gas

KIEV. March 26. UNN. In one of the shopping centers in the Primorsky district of Odessa city, between the 14-year-old boy and a security guard had a conflict, after the man sprayed in the face of a teenager with tear gas. It is reported by UNN with reference to the state of the National police in the Odessa region.

“Odessa police are investigating the circumstances of an incident between a security guard and minors visitor at one of the shopping centers of the city. Between the teenager and the man had a conflict, in which the latter sprayed from the spray substance tear of the action,” – said in a statement to the police.

A statement about the case, the police asked the boy’s mother. According to the woman, her son needed medical care.

READ ALSO: IN Kiev, the man sprayed gas in the bus due to road conflict

Now the police establish all the circumstances of the incident. On this fact militiamen brought data in the Unified register of pre-trial investigations under part 1 St. 125 (intentional slight bodily injury) of the Criminal code of Ukraine.

As reported by UNN, in the Ternopil region in the switchboard was burned to death 14-year-old boy.