In Ukraine, about 100 thousand people suffer from epilepsy

KIEV. March 26. UNN. About 100 thousand people in Ukraine are living with epilepsy. These data are reported by the press service of the Ministry of health, reports UNN.

“About 50 million people worldwide live with epilepsy, and in Ukraine – about 100 thousand people with epilepsy”, – stated in the message.

The Ministry of health reminded, how to provide first medical assistance to a person with epilepsy during the attack:

  • to turn person on side;
  • put something soft under the head to avoid injury.

At the same time, you do not need:

  • putting something in your mouth, because hard objects can injure, damage the teeth and gums, and sometimes there is even the risk of breaking the jaw. The Ministry said that during the attack the person can’t get the language.
  • try to stop the attack – the attack must pass himself.

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of brain activity, which is characterized by seizures in the form of short-term involuntary tics, which are repeated. Signs of attacks depend on which area of the brain is. Can cause temporary symptoms: loss of orientation or consciousness, impaired motor functions, sensory organs (vision, hearing, and taste), mood changes and others.

As reported UNN, on March 26 every year is celebrated “Purple day”, or the world day of fight against epilepsy, which was created to raise awareness about the disease, debunking myths and bringing attention to the sick from this disease.

We will remind, in Ukraine banned drugs against epilepsy.