The dispute over Medoff: Cypriots in court trying to get the rights for the trademark, but lost

KIEV. March 26. UNN. Company “And B. C. beverage company limited” which is registered in Cyprus and considers himself a rights holder Ukrainian vodka Medoff, went to court against the Ministry of economic development and the capital of the company “Eastern beverage trading”, reports UNN with reference to relevant judicial decisions.

From the text of the lawsuit an offshore company is seen, that today certificates on marks for goods and services (including and vodka Medoff) was in the capital of the “Eastern beverage trading”

Thus, the company “And B. C. beverage company limited” and its successor, the offshore “Safeco Winches limited” – the court recognized the fact that I have no right to trademark and only trying it “to” by the court decision.

A Cyprus company in a lawsuit against the Ministry and “Eastern beverage trading” requested the court to oblige the Ministry of economic development and trade to amend the State register of certificates of Ukraine on marks for goods and services to invalidate the 11 certificates for the trademark, registered in 2014 and 2016.

The economic court of Kiev the claim to have studied, but the applicants have not supported.

The court returned the claim without consideration. And also pointed to the fact that offshore companies are abusing their procedural rights.

“limited liability company “Eastern beverage trading” has repeatedly served notices of claim on invalidation of certificates for goods and services in relation to serving of statement of claims, if the court refuses satisfaction of the statement of claim, the plaintiff once again filed a motion to revoke the statement of claim,” reads the court order.

And such actions of the plaintiff the court regarded attempts to “manipulation of automated distribution of cases among judges and violation of the principle of reliability of determination of the composition of the court”.

So the judge Gospodarskogo court Bondarenko has passed a Resolution which recognized the abuse of procedural rights by “Safeco ventures limited”.

We will remind, at the end of last year, the company’s Beverage Trading Company (which is the successor of the “Eastern beverage trading”) expressed the intent of the former business partners to assign and resell through offshore Medoff vodka brand.

Then the Director of the company Alexey Kovalevich said that “Safeco ventures limited” (Director Jonathan Vale) is positioning itself copyright trademark Beverage Trading Company and the alleged reports of the use of NPP “Hetman”.

“I particularly want to focus on the fact that “Safeco ventures limited” is a co-founder of Beverage Trading Company and has no relation to the activities of our company. The Jonathan vail, who signed the draft of the license contract with the “Hetman”, about 5 years ago took the position of Director of the company “Crimean vodka company”, which was forced to cease activities in connection with the annexation of Crimea.

All operating activities with the company was translated into the Beverage Trading Company. So, no legal grounds to dispose of the rights for the trademark Beverage Trading Company mentioned Jonathan Vale no. Moreover, the man has never been the beneficiaries of this business,” explained Kovalevich.

Note that media call Jonathan Weil business partner of another foreigner – Neil Smith. The latter, according to MP George Logoiskogo, was a partner at “Konstantinov, who is now the head of the illegal Council of Crimea”.

“I know that he was opened several criminal proceedings on the fact of taking possession of property and taxes of Ukraine”, – said Legwinski, describing Neil Smith.