In Limanskoe village of Ivanovo district of Odessa region measles sick 16 children.
A measles outbreak occurred in Liman district / UNIONV the lymans’ke village of Ivanovo district of Odessa region from-for the outbreaks of measles were quarantined school.

As reported the UNIAN in Liman district state administration, currently ill with measles 16 children.

The first case was recorded on December 3, when one kindergartner, four first graders and educational complex of the village was hospitalized in the Odessa city hospital for infectious diseases. The next day the symptoms appeared two students of the same class.

Read campaign week in Ukraine got sick of measles 1.9 thousand people – Ministry of health

By the evening of December 4 in the infectious diseases hospital was already 9 children from Ivanovo. It is noted that these children are in a satisfactory condition, without severe complications.

“From 5 to 7 December it seven children, the youngest 1 year and 3 months. One child developed pneumonia bark”, – have informed in district administration.

As reported by the chief physician of municipal institution “Centre of primary health care” Elina Concava, and there are cases among vaccinated children. But the course of their disease easier, the body temperature does not exceed 37.2 degrees, and the rash disappears faster.

The results of the work of the Commission in the above-mentioned educational complex has been quarantined for 21 days. For the same period is recommended to limit carrying out of festive events, meetings and other events with a massive crowd of people.

In addition, in the infectious disease Department Limanskaya Central district hospital with the measles patient is an adult.

As UNIAN reported earlier, according to the health Ministry, since the beginning of 2018 at the beginning of December in Ukraine ill with measles 44 386 thousand people (16 593 thousand 27 thousand adults and 793 children).