Foreigners right on the streets put into a car and taken in an unknown direction.
In Kharkov rescued two foreigners who were abducted pseudopolitical / UNIAN Kharkov detained 38-the summer local who is suspected of kidnapping two citizens of Morocco.

See also Kiev, the car knocked down a thief who ran away after stealing (photo)

As reported on the website of the Prosecutor of Kharkiv region, Kharkiv local Prosecutor’s office No. 1 already approved the detainee is suspected of extortion and kidnapping (part 2 of article 146, part 2 of article 189 of the criminal code of Ukraine).

On the likely kidnapping of two Moroccans the police said the wife of one of the victims. The woman said that on the evening of December 6 foreigners just in the middle of the street in the Pauline field was put in a car by some men and taken away in an unknown direction. After that, the relationship with the husband she has lost.

The victims were found the next day thanks to the geolocation feature, which managed to turn on the mobile by one of the aliens.

According to investigators, the Moroccans kept in a garage cooperative. The kidnappers introduced themselves to foreigners by police officers and threatened with prison if they did not give them 5 thousand dollars.

The victim said that the men who called themselves police, imitated his arrest, and even conducted an illegal search of his home, and then brought his friend to the garage.

One of the suspects detained directly on a scene. When a man found the identity of the police captain, the validity of which expired in 2014. The detainee claims that the document had after dismissal from bodies.

Currently the investigation is underway. Law enforcement officers have reasonable grounds to believe that the kidnapping of foreigners can be involved in active police personnel. The issue of the transfer of criminal proceedings to another investigative State Bureau of investigation.

Earlier it was reported that in Odessa, the inhabitant of Kharkiv region staged the kidnapping of his 7-month-old baby, leaving her near the hospital.