Major Vladimir Borisov, who was the employee of FSB of Russia and took part in the illegal annexation of Crimea, eliminated in the Caucasus. Footage from the scene of the accident videos on our channel “Ukrainian Dialogue”

The video clearly noticeable as the car in which Borisov was, ran over an explosive device, resulting in an elimination.

Video you can watch on our channel “Ukrainian Dialogue”

“In the Caucasus by local partisans were liquidated major Vladimir Borisov DSP of the FSB of Russia Vympel”, – signed.

In addition, the “Vympel” took an active part in the occupation of the Ukrainian Peninsula. It is also reported that in this regard he was awarded the medal “For returning Crimea”.

Recall that in the Black sea near the Crimean coast still works on lifting from the bottom of the wreckage of the su-27 HQs of the Russian Federation, who has previously suffered a crash there.

Earlier we wrote that as a violation of international law regarded the EU leadership is now held in the annexed Crimea the call of young people in the Russian army.

In addition, the Tendril expressed about the relationship to the Russians and the occupation of the Crimea. He believes that his friends the Russians are not to blame for the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.