The offence is committed on 28 September 2016.
Illustration / REUTERSКиевский district court of Odessa today sentenced the couple to 15 years in prison for the brutal murder of a manicure.

As reported the UNIAN in court, sentenced a couple, who were accused of the brutal murder and assault (clause 6, paragraph 12 of part 2 of article 115, part 4 of article 187 of the Criminal code of Ukraine). The offence is committed on 28 September 2016.

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According to the verdict, the deceased worked as a master of manicure and pedicure. To it to correct the manicure on the above date enrolled her constant client. It is noted that the master worked in the apartment where he lived in Odessa on the street Komarova. The client came with her husband.

“The couple have prepared in advance of the crime, taking with him the metal object. Having waited until the woman finished manicure, the accused came from behind and struck her a blow with a metal object on the head. The screams of the victim responded to the neighbors who called the police,” – said in the message.

Established that the accused, fearing that they can exploit, decided to kill a woman stabbed her 19 blows to the head, then strangled with a rope.

After the woman stopped showing signs of life, removed from it a gold chain, earrings, ring, took the money and moved the body into the room on the bed, covered with a blanket.

“Soon, to the apartment knocked on the police officers demanded to open the door. One suspect through the closed doors claimed to be the owner of the apartment, and between her and her husband had a quarrel. In that time, the defendant was negotiating with police, the man managed to wash up and change,” – said in court.

When the man left the apartment, he was arrested by the police. The Department has established his identity and making sure that it is not subject to criminal liability and is not wanted, originally released. Detained suspects later.

Now, having considered the matter, the panel of judges found the accused guilty of committing a criminal offence. Each of them was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with confiscation of all property.

As UNIAN reported earlier, in September 2016 in Odessa in one of the apartments on the street Komarova was discovered dead woman, born in 1978. It was reported that attackers killed a woman with extreme brutality, causing multiple injuries.