Drunk man accused the villager of the theft, and then beat him and cut off his ear.
The man beat neighbor / photos Odessa region detained a local resident, severed the ear of his fellow villager.

As reported the UNIAN in Department of communications of the Main Directorate of the National police in the region, the incident occurred in one of villages of Tarutino district.

It is established that about o’clock in the home of 48-year-old man came to the villager living in the state of alcoholic intoxication. It is noted that the guest sued the owner of a claim for alleged theft of food.

See also Kiev Caucasian during a brawl killed the employee of management of state guard – media (photo, video)

“After verbal charges, he began to beat the owner, and when he lost consciousness, a knife cut off his ear and left. About the incident police said the relatives of the victim, who the next day came to visit him,” – said in the Chapter.

Yesterday, 31-year-old attacker was detained (in accordance with article 208 Criminally-the procedural code of Ukraine). Seized the crime tool – a knife.

On this fact initiated criminal proceedings under part 1 of article 121 (deliberate heavy injury) Criminal code of Ukraine. The sanction of article prescribes punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term of five to eight years.