In Kharkov were found dead two foreign studentsApartment, where found girls/Photo:

Girls did not respond to calls from 31 December

03.01.19 259000

In Kharkiv the police establishes the circumstances of the death of two students from Turkey, whose body with signs of violent death was found in a rented apartment.

About it reports Department of communications Department of National police in the Kharkiv region.

It is noted that on Thursday morning, the police asked a classmate of the girls with a request to locate his friends, who, from December 31, did not respond to calls.

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“Arriving on the scene, in a rented apartment, the police found two women’s bodies without signs of life. On this fact the investigative Department opened criminal proceedings under part 2 St. 115 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal code of Ukraine”, – stated in the message.

The police conduct investigative and search actions to establish the circumstances of the incident, witnesses and eyewitnesses, as well as find involved in the Commission of a crime.

Note, on the night of January 3 in the capital, unknown persons during a quarrel with a blow to the head killed an employee of the state security Department.