The incident that cost the lives of 26-year-old man, occurred on the night of 3 January. The suspect was walking a large dog and entered into a verbal argument with the officer. It is not known what time to tell each other young people just fight in the street ended in irreparable disaster.

The murder of 26-year-old employee of the HUGO (structures involved, including the protection of the first persons of the state) in the center of Kiev caused a wide resonance in the society. Murder strikes a ridiculous and looks more like a tragic accident, rather than malice. Reports about it “Диалог.UA”.

According to data published by the group “Operational Kyiv” in facebook, the murder occurred on the night of January 3 on the street Sapper field the LCD “French quarter”. The suspect was walking his two dogs, the victim stopped his car nearby. Among young people there was a brief verbal altercation, the essence of the conflict to be explored in the investigation. The man with the dogs (it was later revealed that this was a professional boxer) has dealt a blow to the jaw of his opponent and fled the scene. To the aid of wounded ran up the residents of the area, but help was impossible – the only blow was lethal.

“According to witnesses, signs of a killer: athletic body, 185 cm tall, has a beard, has a non-Slavic appearance. Was dressed in a dark sports jacket, black hoodie, blue sweatpants. Now he’s wanted by law enforcement authorities”, – said the admins of the group.

However, already next day the suspect was known much more. It turned out that despite the “not typical” appearance, he wears a Ukrainian name and is a well-known athlete. Boxer’s name is Peter Ocheretny, a picture of him in a tragic night at the crime scene, also published in the group.

On the evening of 3 December, there was news about this incident: Ocheretny did not expect an arrest, he appeared, accompanied by the lawyer to the district police Department, which already opened criminal proceedings under article “premeditated murder”. In the course of the investigation and clarify the circumstances of the case can retrain and use more “soft” article – if it turns out that the boxer had no intent to deprive the officer of life.

We will remind, the head of the local branch of the OUN-UPA in Ivano-Frankivsk was severely beaten 21-year-old native of Uzbekistan.