Berlin, April 1, 2020 / DepositPhotos

In the German capital from April 22 will begin to open stores area of 800 square meters, and public transport will become compulsory wearing of masks. On Tuesday, the land, the Senate made the decision and handled the first steps to easing of restrictive measures in public space.

“Since April 27, 2020 in the use of public transport need to wear a fabric mask for nose and mouth,” it was published in a Senate document, which cites “Interfax”.

A rule to keep a minimum distance of five feet is maintained, but it does not apply to couples and relatives living in the same house. Allowed to conduct private or family events for up to 20 people – first of all we are talking about, for example, christening or memorial service. Also, up to 3 may be allowed to gather companies no more than 20 people in the open air. On may 4, the number of participants of outdoor activities can be increased up to 50 people.

In addition, on may 4 in Berlin, opened museums and educational institutions, enabled services.

Shops and services an area of over 800 square meters remain closed, the only exceptions are weekend markets, pharmacies, opticians, bookshops, outdoor markets, gas stations, dry cleaners, shops of pet products, auto parts and bicycles. The maximum “density” of the flow of visitors may be more than one person to 20 square meters.

Gyms and swimming pools in Berlin to open until plans, exercise outdoors is allowed, including permitted cross-country group under the condition that the participants will abide by the minimum distance from each other. Open the zoos, since may 4 allowed to open hair.

On Friday, the German government, in consultation with the Federal States agreed on measures on easing of restrictions in public life, introduced the pandemic coronavirus. Now each land of 16 should make their own decisions – in most land stores from Monday’s open. Restaurants and bars are closed throughout the country.

In some länder decided to return to school students for training and exams, and to resume classes in the fourth – exhaust – classes of primary schools.

However, 10 of the 16 regions of Germany has introduced the mandatory wearing of protective masks or clothing covering the nose and mouth. These latest measures introduced Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Hessen, Baden-württemberg and Saxony-Anhalt. In Saxony, the measure will be effective from April 23, in Schleswig-Holstein, presumably from the 29 April in Hamburg, Hesse and Baden – from 27 April, according to DW. Earlier, a similar order was made by the authorities of Bavaria, Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania, Saxony and Thuringia.

The Institute named Robert Koch urges not to relax the quarantine

The weakening of quarantine in Germany virologists are encouraged to remember that the situation with the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 remains serious. “The end of the epidemic is not visible, the figures may again increase. The virus has not disappeared,” – said Vice-President of Institute of Robert Koch (RKI) Lars Schade.

In Germany, managed to achieve good performance in containing the epidemic, but they should be at a level to avoid overload in the health care system, said the scientist. He urged to do everything possible to avoid a large number of new infections until, until will not be able to develop a vaccine.

According to Sade, the abolition of restrictions on contacts is theoretically possible, if you cease to identify new cases of coronavirus. At the same time, you should be prepared for re-introduction of lockdown if the situation will change again, he said. Therefore, the current gradual abolition of quarantine measures is “reasonable compromise”, says the virologist.

Meanwhile, the weakening of quarantine measures has already begun to increase zarahemla coronavirus. The Institute named Robert Koch announced that the basic reproductive number R0 20 April increased from 0.8 (figure 18 April) to 0.9, which means that ten infected infect nine other people. As the RKI and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has repeatedly stressed that rate should be kept below 1.0 in order to cope with the epidemic.

According to Institute of Robert Koch, the total number of identified infections of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany has exceeded 143 thousand, from the effects of infection died, 4.6 thousand people. For the last day in the country there were 1.8 thousand new cases of coronavirus which causes pneumonia COVID-19.