At a hockey tournament in Norway there was a scandal. Before the match the hosts of the ice with the national team of Belarus is the national anthem of the guests performed the song “Yas konyushinu Mowed” ensemble “Pesnyary”. In ice hockey Federation of the Republic of Belarus has demanded an apology for the incident. However, Belarusian fans of hockey more outraged is not a mistake of the organizers, and the behavior of national team players who did not respond to the substitution of the anthem.

  • Fans of the national team of Belarus on hockey
  • Reuters
  • © Laszlo Balogh

In the world of sports happened in another scandal associated with the error performance of the national anthems during the competition. Another such case occurred in Norway.

Simultaneously with the First channel Cup in the Norwegian city of Lorenskog held a hockey tournament MECA Hockey Games in which participated the national teams of Norway, Belarus, France and Hungary. December 13, the hosts of the event met with the Belarusian team and before the game the organizers have included the anthems of the two countries.

But the audience heard instead of the melodious songs, “We the Belarusians” is another product — known hit of the Soviet-Belarusian ensemble “Pesnyary” called “Yas konyushinu Mowed”. In Russia, this composition, based on the Belarusian folk song, known primarily for the animated film “Nu, pogodi!”

Within minutes the fans who had gathered at the hockey arena, standing listening to popular pop songs in modern processing. The catch noticed is that few hockey fans from Belarus, who told then about this oddity on the Internet.

Yesterday, before the hockey match against the national team of Norway is the national anthem of Belarus included not quite it:

— Russophobia in Belarus (@real_phobia) 15 December 2018.

Judging by the video, which quickly began to spread in social networks, the error is not noticed and the tournament organizers, who did not stop the song. Not responded to the incident and Belarusian hockey players who after this performance of “the national anthem” gave the Norwegians with the score 1:6.

In ice hockey Federation of the Republic of Belarus (fhrb) has expressed concern over the incident with the anthem, and the organization of the tournament and has demanded an apology from the Norwegian side.

“On the one hand, we understand that there was a technical overlay. Apparently, the DJ has included a tune that was supposed to play after the heads of the Belarusian hockey players. But at the same time, it is quite a unpleasant incident to not pay attention to it. The Belarusian ice hockey Federation has sent an official letter to the President of the Norwegian ice hockey Federation with a request to clarify the case. The organization of the tournament was not at the level, there were many other pads and the anthem happened biggest. I hope that I will apologize not only oral but also written,” RT said in the press service of the Belarusian ice hockey Federation.

On the substitution of the anthem responded the Ambassador of Belarus to Sweden and Norway Dmitry Mironchik. On Twitter he shamed players because they are not expressed outrage at the mistake of the organizers.

“With the Norwegians we will see if it ever happens again. But hockey players should learn from Violetta Skvortsova and as to the hymn to treat and how to win,” said the diplomat.

Mironchik cited the example of the young Belarusian athlete that occurred at the Junior European Championships in 2017. She then became the winner of the competition in the triple jump. At the ceremony instead of Belarusian anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Without waiting for the end ringtone, the girl descended from the podium and stood aside. The next day the ceremony was held again, and this time sounded the desired composition.

Interestingly, the pad with the national anthem before a hockey match, many Belarusian fans reacted with humor.

“This is the most known song of the Belarusians in the world! Even though it was written by a native of Russia. With a smile attitude. Don’t be so serious. Set off!” — wrote a user nilek on the Internet portal Tribuna.

“It’s five! Under Mulyavin (Vladimir, the author of the arrangement. — RT) and to stand up is not a sin,” said a user under the nickname A1gerd.

“When the Norwegians come to us, we need to include a song Alexander Rybak”, — suggested koulmann.

The irritation of the fans caused the behavior of the players, who continued to stand, listening to “Pesnyary”.

“The reaction of our players. They still do. But you can’t see the anthem or the country. Athlete, respecting both, would be gone, while the organizers things are not corrected. And they are silent”, — said Pavel Savitski.

In the Belarusian ice hockey Federation noted that the team really wanted to protest because of the incident with the anthem, but the players remained on the ice hoping to hear the right song.

“The hockey was puzzling. The rush to get the team off the ice was, but we were hoping that the organizers will understand what mistake I had made, and off to the airport. We love them very much, but this incident does not cease to be the incident. In other matches played the Belarusian anthem” — said the press service of the Belarusian ice hockey Federation.