18 photos of the Belgian Playboy model arrested for nudity at the heart of the VaticanPhoto: Jesse Walker from Enki Eyewear

She posed with a wooden cross

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Playboy model Marisa Papen was arrested for re-exposure in the Central square of the Vatican. Also arrested and her photographer, Jesse Walker. They staged a Nude photo shoot with a wooden cross near the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican. This writes The Sun.

But a few photos a couple of narushitelei calm managed to publish. One of the photos, posted online, fully naked 26-year-old model carries a large wooden cross in front of the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican.

Photo: Jesse Walker from Enki Eyewear

The other picture Marisa crucified on the cross, while a man in a white robe, draws blood cross on her forehead.

The third picture the model is sitting on the Bibles directly into St. Peter’s square.

Photo: Jesse Walker from Enki Eyewear

The model and the photographer were released after ten hours. All their props for filming, and this crucifix, Bible, rosary, clothes and fake blood is confiscated.

This is not the first time von Papen was arrested for nudity near religious shrines. Previously she was arrested for posing near Karnak temple in Egypt.

  • See ALSO: Died Creator of the iconic symbol of Playboy – Bunny

And it is famous for its Nude photo shoots at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

Recall, the Ukrainian TV presenter Svetlana Katrenko has posed naked and Topless for Playboy magazine.