FILE PHOTO: Hajar al-Aswad neighborhood, south of Damascus © Ammar Safarjalani / Global Look Press

Islamic State (IS, former ISIS) militants have put a captive Syrian soldier to death by tying a bomb to his head and throwing him off a building, as pictures posted by the terrorist group’s propaganda channels show.

The extremists can be seen fitting a helmet filled with explosives on the head of a captured Syrian Army soldier. The prisoner of war was bound tightly with ropes and tied to long wooden planks that kept him upright.

The man was then suspended over the ground and dropped from a height, head-first. The bomb tied to his head –and equipped with an impact detonator– exploded as he hit the ground, killing the captive instantly.

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115 bodies of civilians & Syrian troops killed by ISIS recovered from 2 mass graves in Raqqa (VIDEO)

The brutal incident is believed to have taken place in the Yarmouk camp, a former Palestinian refugee camp located south of the Syrian capital Damascus. The area remains the last Islamic State stronghold near the Syrian capital.

The execution also came as the Syrian Army, supported by the Russian Air Forces, continued its attack on the extremists. Syrian forces launched a massive offensive on the terrorists that were entrenched in Yarmouk, using tanks and artillery. Some 2,000 jihadists, who have been encircled in the area, maintain fierce resistance.

Meanwhile, the western media and officials still continue to blame the Syrian government for the situation in the war-torn country, even against the background of the gruesome crimes committed by extremists. The recently unveiled US plans for Syria, which were declared to be the final push against Islamic State, still seemed to be more focused on curbing the influence of the Syrian government than on fighting terrorists.

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The US would ensure there is a “strong and lasting footprint” in Syria so that Islamic State cannot return and the liberated populations “are not exploited by the Assad regime or its Iranian supporters,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said, announcing the US strategy.

The US will also work with Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon to “secure their borders” from Islamic State, she added. Last week, the US House of Representatives also passed the “No Assistance for Assad Act,” which provides for US funds to be used for recovery, reconstruction and stabilization in Syria only if it met Washington’s criteria of being a “democracy” or “in areas of Syria not controlled by a government led by Bashar al-Assad or associated forces.”

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