When the pipeline company connects the two parts usually hear a distinctive click. Experts of the German Institute for digital media technology Fraunhofer (IDMT) has developed AI technology capable by the sound of the click to determine the problem.

The system includes the modules of the audio-datchikami, which can be mounted directly on robot collector, or on the nearest surface. The size of the device – no more than a pack of cigarettes. Inside it are the microphone, power source and microprocessor that analyze audio signals.

After configuring the device on the “right” click it will fix, if it did not happen, which means a failure in the Assembly line. Then information about the incident is sent to the responsible person.

According to the head of the Department of acoustic detection IDMT Danilo Hollosi, the new technology “allows manufacturers to timely recognize the symptoms at an early stage, reduce unplanned downtime, coordinate work processes in plants and enhance the efficiency of the entire build system”.
Source — Fraunhofer