Football FAC will meet on Thursday: questions to the UAF MPs left

KIEV. May 5. UNN. The parliamentary Commission on the issues of construction of football fields received from the UAF all the requested documents, and therefore does not need any additional information from the Association and its President Andriy Pavelko. Therefore, the next meeting of the Commission will not be visiting in the Home of football. About this UNN said a member of the FAC, the people’s Deputy Bogdan Cicak.

“We are planning another closed meeting, where we’ll hear from law enforcement – were there any changes since our last meeting.

It will be held on Thursday.

We at the Commission discussed the issue (the invitation of the President of the UAF Pavelko to hold a meeting in the House of football – ed.). But, as this is the final meeting, we came to the finish line, the additional outreach meetings, we now do not need.

… The more that the UAF has provided us with a wide array of documents for review. There is generally all the information we have,” he said.

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Cizek added that the TSC is now working on the final report of the Commission.

We will remind, the football VSK was created on 15 November last year. Members of the Commission must complete its work and submit a report in the Verkhovna Rada not later than may 15.

During the work the deputies have repeatedly heard law enforcement officers, visited the plant for the production of artificial football surfaces “FFU Production” and was taken to the fields constructed.

Recently, the President of Ukrainian Association football (UAF), Andrey Pavelko, invited the members of the parliamentary VSK in the House of football for the next meeting, declared their willingness to comment on any questions of the MPs.

Also we will remind, during last meeting, the Commission refused to support the draft report of the work of authorship of Deputy Grigory Nurse. Instead, the deputies supported the draft of the Chairman of VSK Anatoly Costua.