The official exchange rate of hryvnia against the dollar is set at UAH 26,7633 for the American “green”. On the eve, the dollar was worth more – 26,776 UAH.

The hryvnia exchange rate to Euro is set at UAH 30,0579 for the European currency against 30,0681 UAH per Euro yesterday.

Such data was published on the website of the NBU. As previously reported, the international monetary Fund after signing with the Ukrainian government agreement on a new tranche issued a new forecast for the dollar exchange rate in Ukraine for the year 2020. According to financial experts, by the end of the year the American currency will rise in price to 30 UAH.

This week the “green” showed a rising trend, daily strengthening the position in the currency market. It is expected that in June 2020, the dollar in Ukraine will cross the mark of 27 hryvnia. However, a sharp jump occurs after the completion of the quarantine coronavirus infection of the new type.

Experts said that before the end of the week the dollar will be relatively stable and in the case of bursts of activity of buyers of the NBU will be able to quickly calm the hype.

Julia Bulyga