In Ukraine the number of cases of coronavirus, has exceeded 14 thousand. As of Friday, may 8, has already infected 14 195 COVID-19 Ukrainians. About it сообщаетДиалог.UA citing the press-service of the Ministry of health of Ukraine.

In the last 24 hours 504 laboratory-confirmed new cases in the incidence of coronavirus. From the beginning of the epidemic was cured 2 706, and 361 are unable to overcome the virus and died. On the morning of may 8, received 1 148 reports of suspected COVID-19.

The leaders in the incidence continues to Chernivtsi region – 2 097 infected. Kiev – 1721 cases of coronavirus. Ivano-Frankivsk oblast – 1 078 infections.

As of may 8, in the world there are already 3 845 607 cases COVID-19. 1 282 930 recovered and 269 564 overcame the virus and died.

We will remind, in the river a new outbreak of coronavirus. A woman aged 63 years, has infected 35 people. Thus Dnipropetrovsk oblast is among the leaders in the number of cases over the past day.

Read also: since may 11, the Cabinet takes part of the quarantine restrictions, which operated in the country since March 16. Just force 13 changes, which will apply both in relation to citizens and business.