The blind auditions on “the Voice of the country – a 10” coming to an end, team members almost formed. During the sixth live vocalists struggled trying to impress the judges of the project. One of the participants became a radio HIT FM, which is also involved in voicing the characters in the TV series “Magnificent century”.

His voice says Sutlan Murat. The inhabitant of Kiev Denis Zhupnik chose the song “Life sings” Monetica. In the first seconds of the speech, his chair turned to Tina, who became coach Denis.

I’m worried, I’m worried. I didn’t expect that I will choose Tina. Honestly, Tina is the Queen of the Ukrainian show-business and is impressive technically. I’m incredibly pleased, “commented Denis Zhupnik.

Another member tried to impress the jury with his eccentric performance. 33-year-old Vladimir Mitev came on the scene in the image of the transvestite diva Vlada stern.

The Europeans are of this super, super great fun, they love a drag Queen because it is always fun and unusual, “- says Vladimir.

In the blind auditions, the singer sang the Habanera from Opera “Carmen”. However, while playing no coach my chair didn’t turn. When the judges saw who on the stage, they literally opened their mouths in surprise. “Thanks for the celebration and extravaganza that you caused today. It was incredible,” said Monatic.

“I want to tell everyone that the main thing that you believed in yourself, despite the fact that the environment imposes, despite the society. You have to believe in your dream. More tolerance and more kindness“- appealed from the scene of Vlad Strain.

Recall, the cleaner of the circus forced their mouths open with delight of the judges of the “voice of the country – 10”. Pressed the red button and turned his chair all the trainers.

See also: mentor vocal show Dmitry Montik gave the secret of the red buttons on the “Voice of the country – 10”. The artist explained why the jury did not immediately press the buttons.