KIEV. April 19. UNN. Michael Pompeo, nominated Donald trump for Secretary of state, and the new assistant to the President for national security John Bolton actively promoted in the administration of the plan the formation of an Arab stabilization force to replace the us limited contingent in Syria. This was announced on Wednesday, the broadcaster CNN, citing informed sources, reports UNN.

According to them, Bolton and Pompeo to offer to attract the formation of such a force primarily Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Their subdivisions, according to the plan, must maintain stability in Syria in particular and middle East in General after the defeat of the terrorist group “Islamic state”, the defeat of which would allow Washington to withdraw its troops from the Syrian Arab Republic, explained to the broadcaster.

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Sources close to the White house, also told CNN that the US administration is actively discussing the development of the transition process in the framework of the settlement of the situation in Syria. This course will give Washington reason to get from its allies in the middle East increases its contribution to the overall effort. In this case, Trump offer to persuade Arab States to help not only the financial resources but the allocation of troops.

According to the broadcaster, the first of such a plan announced previously, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal. However, CNN has learned that the main proponents of the plan favor of Bolton and Pompeo.

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We will remind, the head of Central command VS the USA General Joseph Votel said that the presence of U.S. armed forces in Syria is necessary to stabilize the situation in the liberated from terrorists the regions, the return of civilians to their homes and long-term reconstruction of the country at the time of the stabilization period. Only in Syria there are about 2 thousand fмериканских troops, including special forces.