KIEV. April 19. UNN. Ongoing in Yerevan protests have a negative impact on the economic development of Armenia, Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan. It is reported by UNN with reference to the publication of Aysor. am.

Answering the question, does the activity of meetings on economic development of the country, the Prime Minister said that rights and freedoms are the priority. “These basic rights if they are implemented in the framework logic, in no way will hinder economic development. But when they become disproportionate when they become traffic jams in Yerevan, the way you think, they can have a positive effect?”- asked Sargsyan.

See ALSO: Armenian Police have detained about 90 protesters activists

The Prime Minister noted that in recent years Armenia has had only one good year, when there was no external or internal instability. “Probably 2017 was the only year when the streets there were demonstrations, tourists could come to Yerevan, investors could come and invest,” — said Sargsyan. The Prime Minister stressed that Armenia has achieved economic growth of 7.5%.

As previously reported UNN, on April 13 the opposition of the Republic of Armenia started mass rallies of protest. The protesters opposed the candidacy of former President Serzh Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister. However, on 17 April, the Armenian Parliament, despite protests, chose Sargsyan head of government.

READ ALSO: Putin congratulated Sargsyan on his election as Prime Minister

In this regard, the leader of the opposition party “Civil contract”, the Deputy of the Armenian Parliament Nikol Pashinyan announced “popular, non-violent velvet revolution.” On April 18 in Yerevan continued to protest. The demonstrators blocked the entrance to the building of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the country and the progress reached the residence of the Prime Minister of Armenia. Thus, Pashinyan urged the protesters to remain calm and not to do aggressive actions. Then, the protesters went towards Baghramyan Avenue, and from there to the Republic square. There Nikol Pashinyan urged supporters to go home, and on the morning of 19 April, to continue protest actions.