Established to combat the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 limitations should be extended for at least another two weeks. About this stated the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. According to her, this is because still very high risks of further increase in the number of infected. Along with this, Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova noted that in the period from 17 to 24 April, the number of patients with a diagnosis of “coronavirus infection” increased 2.1 times. For the past day in Russia was 5.8 thousand cases in 82 regions. The total number of detected cases in the country of infection reached 68 thousand

  • © Denis Grishkin/RIA Novosti

The mode isolation in Russia should be extended for at least another two weeks. This opinion was expressed by the head of Rospotrebnadzor, chief sanitary doctor of Russia Anna Popova at the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova with virologists and epidemiologists.

“We can’t stop half way. Today we are in a phase of rigid restrictive measures are only two of the incubation period for this disease. To stop and be completely sure that we pass the point of no return, this is very little,” said she.

According to Popova, at the moment is still “very high risks of further spreading of the” infection failure to comply with limitations “for at least one incubation period.”

“If we hold, and will comply with all the requirements prescribed, then after some time you need to plan the mitigation of restrictive measures. Different countries go by different algorithms, but in any case it is definitely phasing. It is impossible to do everything at once. It should be different stages, with different system constraints on different levels,” — said the chief sanitary doctor.

A similar view about the need to extend the isolation was expressed by Director of the Russian research anti-plague Institute “Microbe” Vladimir Kutyrev. According to him, the restrictions necessary to preserve at least until may 12.

In turn, the Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova stressed that for the period from 17 to 24 April, the number of cases of coronavirus in Russia increased by 2.1 times, however, the dynamics of growth of disease allows the health system to prepare for the challenges.

“We see that, despite the fact that the President of the country until April 30 was declared a state of social distancing and movement restrictions, however, in some regions of the country our people is not respected, what causes serious anxiety”, — she said.

Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the decision concerning prolongation of regime of isolation in Russia established until April 30 there is still time.

Meanwhile, in Russia, for the day 5849 confirmed new cases of coronavirus infection in 82 regions. The country identified 68 622 cases of illness, which to date has been recorded in all 85 subjects of the Russian Federation.

The previous day, in Russia, discovered 4774 new cases, the day before that — 5236.

Clinical manifestations of disease were present in 46.1 per cent of new patients with COVID-19. Since the beginning of the epidemic coronavirus infection in Russia has recovered 5568 people, of whom 677 — for the last days.

However, for all time recorded 615 deaths from complications arising on a background of COVID-19 and other related diseases. The day he died 60 people.

  • The map RT: allocation of cases COVID-19 in the regions of Russia
  • RT

The greatest number of cases per day detected in Moscow — 2957. Over the previous 24 hours in the capital, discovered 1.9 thousand cases, the day before — 2.5 million

Since the epidemic began in the capital from coronavirus infection has died 325 people, including 37 — in the last 24 hours. As reported in the operational headquarters on control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus, patients were confirmed the diagnosis of “pneumonia” and the result of tests on infection COVID-19 was positive.

“Among the dead patients from 37 to 86 years. 37-year-old patient diagnosed with “bilateral polysegmental pneumonia”. He also suffered from hypertension. The majority of patients had comorbidities. Among them are atherosclerosis, chronic bronchitis, diabetes. One of the patients had down syndrome,” — said in the message.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, in Russia under medical observation in connection with the coronavirus infection are 161 657 people.

In the infectious diseases hospital in Kommunarka treats more than 400 patients with coronavirus infection, said the doctor of the institution Denis Protsenko.

“Are 604 treatment of the patient. Of them COVID-confirmed — 408 (68%)”, — he wrote on his page in Facebook.

Protsenko noted that in the Department of intensive care unit there are 56 people, 28 of them connected to devices of artificial ventilation of the lungs. Another 101 people in the other offices connected to the oxygen.


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According to the doctor, a day in the hospital admitted 75 people, were discharged 73.

In addition, the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin said that on may 7 in Kommunarka will open a new case for follow-up care of patients with COVID-19.

On the background of these events it became known that all the workers of Moscow will be rapid tests for immunity to coronavirus in accordance with the order of the mayor. This measure applies to professionals working in repurposed for the treatment of coronavirus infection in hospitals and other General hospitals and clinics.

It is noted that at the present time in Moscow the forces of Federal, private and municipal laboratories performed more than 18 thousand of tests for coronavirus in the day.

In addition, the Deputy mayor for social development Anastasia Rakova said that in Moscow a test for the coronavirus must do all patients with symptoms of SARS.

“All cases of SARS, regardless of their severity, are treated as suspected coronavirus infection. This requires a completely different organization of work at the clinics,” she said on air of the First channel.

We will add that in public transport of Moscow began to prescribe penalties for the violation of social distancing (at least 1.5 m) in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Raids carried out by the supervisors of the civil code “transport Organizer” together with the police.

Meanwhile, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that 32 military hospital ready to accept patients with coronavirus infection.

“The operational headquarters on control of the construction of a multifunctional health centers have been deployed and are working round the clock. The facilities will be commissioned before may 15,” — said Shoigu at the thematic meeting. His words leads RIA Novosti.

The Minister added that the Russian army formed 17 consolidated units of military medics that are ready to help regions to combat coronavirus infection.

  • © Yuri KADOBNOV / AFP

Promising vaccine

Along with this, it became known that nine Russian development of vaccines against COVID-19 included the world health organization (who) in the list of promising.

Currently, the list of candidate vaccines, who is 83 medication, 77 — in preclinical studies, and six are in the clinical research on humans.

As reported by operational staff, this list includes six drugs created in the State research center of Virology and biotechnology “Vector”. Company BIOCAD presented two vaccines: live attenuated on the basis of the fundamentals of the flu virus, created in conjunction with the FEDERAL state scientific institution “Institute of experimental medicine”, and a liposome encapsulated mRNA.

In addition, the St. Petersburg research Institute of vaccines and sera created a drug based on the recombinant protein and nanoparticles.