Future intelligent systems are not mobile gadgets, and in the reorganization of complex and large-scale processes in the economy. Among the first to solve the logistics tasks according to Japanese authorities every year in the extremely busy Tokyo Bay occurs 280 emergency situations. With the aim to prevent them since last year works here Fujitisu Zinrai – specialized AI that monitors safety at sea.

Port AI took up service in December 2019 and March 2020 summed up the results of the first phase of testing. It turned out that the electronic brain had issued twice as many warnings and orders to change course to the ships than do managers-the people. While AI is not reinsured – in contrast, the rate of passage of ships through the waters has in its settings the same priority as the traffic safety. The task of AI is to avoid the critical values for each of the subsystems of the port.

Zinrai constantly monitors the parameters of models of ships and itineraries, and the characteristics of movement. This allows to calculate in advance the relative position of all objects in the area, to predict the emergence of risk areas and raise ships. On average, the AI predicts the creation of complex situations to two minutes faster than the person that gives enormous time for maneuvering. Increased accuracy impact guidance to individual ships.

Final decisions are still taken by men, they are also responsible for the return teams, and the goal of the AI is reduced only to the analysis and forecasting of critical situations. And at the end of the test port authorities decided to leave the system and to expand the scope of its work. In the future, similar systems will appear in all ports of the country.
Source — Fujitsu