The singer published in Instagram taken in the Elevator photo, which Kiev marked as geolocation.
The artist did not комментироватьInstagram Ani Lorak

The disgraced Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who has long lived and worked in Russia and recently went on her concert tour, arrived in Kiev.

The singer published in Instagram taken in the Elevator photo, which Kiev marked as geolocation. In addition, she has published several photos in InstaStories s hashtag “Kiev”.

Instagram Ani Lorak
Instagram Ani Lorak

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The actress did not comment. However, he was very pleased Ukrainian fans Lorak, who said they would look forward to her concerts.

“Caroline, nice to meet you at home. It is painful to realize that it is a rarity. Come often, we love you!” “Welcome back to Ukraine”, “Ani when the show in Ukraine? we are waiting for you,” “Finally home!” “In Ukraine love you so much and wait”, “So you want your concerts in Ukraine!” – written by the commentators.

As UNIAN reported earlier, ex-“regionalka” Herman criticized the network for that bad hair day.