According to animal rights activists, a man with special cruelty killed several dozen animals, including in the presence of his minor stepson.
The accused remained in custody without the possibility of bail until February 22, 2019 / photo UNIAN

The Kiev district court of Odessa today extended the arrest of 37-year-old Maksym Lytvyn, the suspect in animal cruelty arrested in early August.

As reported the UNIAN in court, December 22 the district court continued hearing the criminal case on charges of a man in animal cruelty (part 3 of article 299 of the Criminal code of Ukraine).

At trial, the prosecution filed a motion for extension of period of detention of the accused. In turn, Lytvyn’s lawyer insisted on the innocence of his client and that it should not be in jail.

Having considered the petition of the Prosecutor, the court granted the request. Thus, the defendant will be detained without possibility of bail till 22 Feb 2019.

The next hearing will be held on 25 January 2019 at 11.00.

According to investigators, over several months 2018 cohabitant of the accused through a social network Facebook took into the house of kittens who were under the care of volunteers.

See also in luck, the hosts almost to death, starved dog (video)

However, getting these animals, the man mocked them were hurt, including subjecting them to thermal factors.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on 7 August, the Kiev district court of Odessa was arrested Maksym Lytvyn, the suspect in animal cruelty. The man took their volunteers under the pretext of providing conditions for living, and in fact abused animals.

According to animal rights activists, a man with special cruelty killed several dozen animals, including in the presence of his minor stepson.

Due to the aforementioned family volunteers have been protesting, in particular, near the building of the Main Directorate of Ukraine in Odessa region.

On 2 November the Prosecutor’s office of Odessa region declared that has directed to court criminal proceedings against the suspect.