Photos In Kharkov recon CORD is neutralized by a drunk man with a gun

Arrow threatens from three till seven years of imprisonment

22.12.18 139000

In the Moscow district of Kharkov the drunk man quarreled with relatives, went to the yard of a private house with a gun and fired into the air.

This was reported on the website of the state of Ukraine in Kharkiv region.

The leadership of the regional Central Board, a decision was taken about introduction of a special police plan “Thunder”. As a result of incident anybody from citizens has not suffered.

The incident occurred at about 18:15.

The scene was cordoned off by police. During the operation the soldiers of the Kharkiv special “CORD” entered into negotiations with an armed man.

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But the legitimate demands of law enforcement, he did not respond, but rather a shot in the air.

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Commandos implemented the necessary measures and arrested the attacker. Now he’s taken to the Moscow police Department for clarification of all circumstances of the incident.

Arrow threatens from three till seven years of imprisonment.

We will remind, in Kiev on the street academician Yangelya between the students of the National technical University of Ukraine KPI was a fight that ended in gunfire.