Olympic figure skating champion Alexei Yagudin commented on the scandal surrounding the son of two-time gold medalist Evgeni Plushenko Alexander, allegedly suffering from serious mental disorders.

  • RIA Novosti

“I will not comment on methods of education Plushenko and Rudkovskaya, this is purely up to them, but write articles that their child is mentally ill based on “anonymous sources,” this is beyond,” wrote Yagudin on his page in Instagram.

A famous athlete made a criticism of the journalists who published such information, and urged to cease to persecute and slander the children.

Also Yagudin reminded of the news, which said that two-time world champion Evgeny Medvedev allegedly urged to leave Japan due to the violation of the quarantine. The famous figure skater also said that news based on unverified data.

Earlier it became known that Evgeny Plushenko is going to sue the authors of the article about the health of his son.