Lorac is often criticized for the weird selfie with lips “duck”.
Ani Lorak lately loves to do a selfie wherever is / photoСбежавшая in Russia Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak showed online a new photo in which she’s posing again, folding the lips “duck”.

See also”Brothel”: Ani Lorak disgraced, showing a bad photo

The published in Instagram artist. Many blew out, asking what happened to her lately. But there were also those who photos of Ani Lorak liked.

“Are you ready to be the Director of your life?”, asked the singer of subscribers.

“You’re some kind of terrible it was”, “My first (life – Ed.) to establish need,” “What lips?”, “Mysterious photo”, “You are such a make up is more. You like black eyes,” “Hair, Ani Lorak is very you” – write in the comments.

Earlier, the disgraced Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak disgraced new photo from the speech. In the frame she and her backing dancers appeared in not a very favorable light.