Washington imposed sanctions against three senior officials of the DPRKPhoto: Pikabu

In the list: the main promoter of the DPRK, Minister of state security and head of the Department of organization and outreach

10.12.18 24000

The U.S. Treasury on Monday contributed to the sanctions list on North Korea three senior party leaders of the DPRK.

This is stated in the message Department, referenced news.ru.

Among those under action of restrictive measures – the head of Department of propaganda and agitation of the WPK, Pak Kwan Ho, Minister of public safety, Chung Kyung-Taek and the head of the Department of organization and outreach of the WPK Choi Ryong Hae.

  • See ALSO: Korean predogovoryat. The DPRK creates a secret weapon in the interests of China

We will note, earlier the Parliament of South Korea proposed to adopt a resolution demanding the lifting of international sanctions against North Korea.

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The representatives of the United States, by contrast, has stated the need to continue the pressure of sanctions against North Korea as long as North Korea does not provide evidence of complete and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

We will remind, Kim Jong-UN will allow international inspectors to the main nuclear test site DPRK. South Korean President gave these words of the President of the United States Donald Trump, when both leaders met later in September in new York.