Unknown, resolusi a series of threatening messages in the U.S., demanding payment in bitcoins

KIEV. 14 Dec. UNN. A series of messages with threats, sent out Thursday in several U.S. cities, contained the requirement for the payment of 20 thousand dollars in bitcoins. This was announced Thursday by broadcaster NBC, which became known the contents of one message, reports UNN.

Unknown, sent him, argued that there would be “many wounded” in the explosion “well hidden charge”, if he doesn’t get 20 thousand dollars in bitcoins. “If you pay, I call that person who committed it,” — said in a note.

The threats were sent to dozens, if not hundreds of addresses in the United States, including 13 in new York. In this context, the NYPD issued a statement about “electronic message threats, which contains a demand for payment in bitcoin”. “The message was sent to multiple addresses, in this regard, tests were conducted and no explosive devices were found”, — underlined in the message.

“At the moment, the impression that all these messages are intended to wreak havoc and to seek payment of the money,” — said the representative of the new York police.

Messages threatening content, according to NBC, he entered, in particular, in the States of Connecticut, new Jersey, Florida and California. Earlier Thursday, police in Oklahoma city reported more than a dozen threats received by email. Similar message received in several law firms in Buffalo, at the city hospital, the University of Washington in Seattle, in the local Newspapers in Washington state, the University of Pennsylvania, as well as in a newspaper office in Utah. In all these cases, the alarm was false.