UNICEF called for an end to armed conflicts in order to fight COVID-19 and protection of children

KIEV. 18 APR. UNN. UNICEF call to lay down arms as part of a global cease-fire the pandemic COVID-19, and to deal with the pandemic, not to each other. It is reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the UNICEF.

“Today, 250 million children in the world live in conflict-affected areas. Each and every one of these children requires that the parties to the conflict should heed the call of the UN Secretary General to lay down arms as part of a global cease-fire the pandemic COVID-19. Every child needs to be safe from violence. The parties to the conflict will not be able to deal with COVID-19, while fighting among themselves”, – stated in the message.

It is noted that almost a month has passed after the Secretary-General, but violent conflicts in some parts of Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Yemen, Libya, Mali, Syria and Ukraine continues.

“A ceasefire can save lives of children suffering from these terrible nightmares. Global ceasefire would protect children from killing, injury or the need to leave the house. It would stop the attack on these vital infrastructures like health facilities and water and sanitation. It gave vulnerable populations access to such important services as health care – that is, the services that are key to stopping the pandemic. It would create the opportunity to engage with parties to conflict for the safe release of children from armed forces and armed groups”, – added in the message.

According to UNICF, there were some positive developments, which the parties to the conflict in 11 countries have already committed themselves to cease hostilities during a pandemic.

However, more needs to be done to really change the lives of children:

– all parties to the conflict must reach agreement on a cease-fire and to abide by them;

– governments and groups that control territory should urgently facilitate open access of humanitarian personnel so we can reach children and families basic services including the provision of food, health, protection, water and sanitation;

– armed forces and armed groups should not hinder the delivery of assistance and to create obstacles to people who need such services. All civilians, under the control of government or opposition groups, should be allowed to receive assistance, which is vital for their survival and well-being;

parties to the conflict must release all children detained in connection with armed conflict or national security concerns. Armed forces and armed groups should release children from their ranks.

It is reported that at a time when fighting continues, and continues and silent onset COVID-19 for vulnerable children and communities in the epicenter of both crises.

A global ceasefire can provide a model of cooperation and solidarity to counter COVID-19 – a pandemic that threatens all of mankind, especially the most vulnerable among us. The cease-fire will not only greatly improve our chances to defeat this disease in the short term. It can also lay the foundations for lasting and sustainable peace, and this will radically change the lives of children and their future.

We will remind, UNICEF and partners are concerned that due to the introduction of quarantine in Ukraine 42000 children from boarding schools returned to their families who have not checked the conditions for life.