UN to consider resolution on the militarization of the Black and Azov seas

KIEV. 17 Dec. UNN. In the UN General Assembly on Monday will consider the draft UN resolution in connection with the militarization of the Black and Azov seas, which joined more than 40 countries. This was announced yesterday by President Petro Poroshenko, reports UNN.

“On December 17 in new York at the UN will consider the draft UN resolution in connection with the militarization of the Black and Azov seas,” the President said.

According to him, Ukraine has initiated this process. “And as of now, 41 countries have agreed to be co-sponsoring this resolution,” he said.

“We hope that this strong enough tomorrow (December 17 – ed.) will be voted at the highest level in the world – the General Assembly of the United Nations”, – said Poroshenko.

The President also added that active work on attraction of Russia accountable for its aggression against Ukraine, and he is counting on the support of our partners. “Ukraine is actively working on the formulation of sanctions-related act of aggression in the Azov-black sea basin,” – said the President.

We will remind, Ukraine has briefed members of the UN about the actions of Russia in Azov.