Ukrainian sanctions against Russia: what organizations were in the “black list”

KIEV. March 20. UNN. On the website of the President published a list of 294 legal entities of the Russian Federation in respect of which sanctions were imposed. In the “black list” were design offices, publishing houses, museums, resorts and banks, reports UNN.

In particular, the sanctions list included a Russian shipbuilding organizations (Sevastopol marine plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Shipbuilding plant “Zaliv”, Yaroslavl shipbuilding plant), design Bureau (“coral”), hiscompany (“Titanate”), aircraft manufacturing company (Russian aircraft Corporation MiG ), scientific production Association (“the prison”, “Basalt”), a number of publishers (“Eksmo”, “Assembly”, “Litres”, “AST”), museums (national Museum of the heroic defense of Sevastopol Sevastopol art Museum named after Michael kroshitsky, the State historical and archaeological mesasurement of Tauric Chersonesos, Crimean ethnographic Museum), banks (Sberbank, VTB Bank, “joint-stock commercial industrial-investment Bank”, BM-2018), resorts (“Dulber”, “AI-Petri”).

In addition, the sanctions imposed against “Yandex”, the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications of the Russian Federation, all-Russian state television and radio broadcasting company.

Also in remedial list includes companies registered abroad: White Seal Holdings Ltd, Letan Investments Limited, Ohna Holdings Limited in Cyprus, Bimersano Services Ltd, Tolexis Enterprises AG, SPitch AG in Switzerland, Novastal Prim in Moldova, B-Finance Ltd in the virgin Islands, “Vneshtorgservis” in Israel.

In most cases, the sanctions imposed for three years, although there are exceptions for the four banks economic restrictions will be in effect for only two years.

We will remind, Poroshenko approved the decision of the Council regarding anti-Russian sanctions.