The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that the us Ambassador in Kiev, Marie Yovanovitch even when first meeting him, handed over a list with the names of people you should not pursue Ukrainian justice. The official called the proposal unacceptable. He also said that the Agency has not received the promised $4 million allocated from the American budget. In turn, the US state Department refuted the statement of the attorney General, noting that only was going to support the justice reform. Experts believe that Lutsenko deliberately made this review for two weeks before the presidential elections in Ukraine.

  • Police officers at the building of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine
  • RIA Novosti

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said that the US Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch during the first meeting gave him a list of people that his Department should not pursue in Ukraine.

“Unfortunately, at the first meeting with the US Ambassador in Kiev, she gave me a list of people we should not pursue, — he told the American edition of the Hill. — My answer is: this is unacceptable. No one in this country — not our President, nor our Parliament, nor our Ambassador — can’t make me to refuse from criminal prosecution for committing crime”.

In addition, Lutsenko reminded about the funds that Washington has allocated the Prosecutor’s office — $4.4 million According to him, they were never transferred to the Department.

Marie Yovanovitch was Ambassador of the USA in Kiev in 2016 and since then has also held meetings with Ukraine’s leaders, including Lutsenko. However, the U.S. state Department deny the existence of any list.

“Currently, the United States did not provide assistance to the General Prosecutor’s office, but previously tried to support a fundamental reform of the justice sector, including prosecutors, after the “revolution of dignity” 2014. When the political will for genuine reform on the part of prosecutors General were insufficient, we took our fiduciary responsibility to the American taxpayer and redirected in a more productive projects”, — said the foreign Ministry publication The Hill.

  • Marie Yovanovitch
  • © Tarasov/

“Spoke because of the election campaign”

Recall, to become attorney General, Lutsenko suggested the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in 2016. His wife Irina Lutsenko is also a Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the party “Block of Petro Poroshenko” and holds a post of the representative of Poroshenko in the Parliament.


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What about “the list” with the Ukrainians who can not be prosecuted, it became known only now, due to the presidential elections in Ukraine on 31 March, says analyst Alexander Asaph.

“Lutsenko spoke about this now because the election campaign. He also understands that his future is not very optimistic, that is, in any case, his career will change, — he has underlined in conversation with RT. — He hopes to remain in the political establishment and for this ProStreet their media”.

Lutsenko said that a political appointee for attorney General.

“Let’s be honest: I’m a politically appointed attorney General. The President and the Parliament decided that this uncontrolled public punitive system can change a person outside the system,” he told DW at the beginning of 2018.

According to Asafova, Lutsenko relies on elections to the Verkhovna Rada, which will take place in late 2019.

However, the existence of the list itself remains in question, said the head of the Ukrainian analytical center, economist Alexander Okhrimenko.

“Was this list or not — no one can say. Very often Ukrainian policy are covered by us politicians. It is very convenient, especially in this situation, it is PR in the interests of Lutsenko. As you get closer to the election the more unusual applications will be more”, — he told RT.

The source RT in the party “Samopomich” suggested that no specific list actually existed.

“Most likely, the Embassy asked to close their eyes to the fact that citizens of other countries are headed by ministries and departments in Ukraine, for example the former Minister of Finance Natalia Yaresko. Ukraine prohibits dual citizenship, and foreigners would have to renounce their citizenships. But what normal person would give up my American citizenship in favor of Ukrainian?” he said.

The Embassy will

However, Asaph is confident that the list could really be transferred to Washington.

“Jovanovic is actually acts as a source of orders for the Ukrainian administration on the part of Americans. This is not the first nor the last time she directly dictate of Washington in clear terms. She is the translator of the will of Washington for Kiev”, — he stressed.

On 5 March, Yovanovitch urged to dismiss the head of the specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office of Nazar Holodnitsky “due to the loss of confidence in the fight against corruption.”

“To ensure the integrity of anti-corruption institutions, the head of the specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office needs to be replaced”, — quotes its words UNIAN.

The same day she called to declassify defense procurement and to initiate criminal proceedings for embezzlement in state-owned “Ukroboronprom”.

“The Ukrainian government must immediately Fund a full audit of the “Ukroboronprom” and the declassification of the state defense order to the maximum extent possible. This will promote transparency and fight corruption in the defence sector… the Government should investigate and initiate criminal proceedings for corruption in the “Ukroboronprom” and other institutions,” she added.

According to a source in the Ukrainian party “national front”, the Embassy really takes part in key decisions in the Ukraine and Lutsenko’s statement can spoil bilateral relations.

“This is the most stupid statement that only you can imagine. But it is in the spirit of Yuri Lutsenko. Substitute and his friend Petro Poroshenko and us Embassy… I Think that Poroshenko will not forget such an outstanding recognition,” said RT source in the party.