KHARKOV-KIEV. April 10. UNN. In the center of Kharkiv at the intersection of streets Pushkin and Tchaikovsky on Tuesday there was a fire, injuring two people. This was announced by the head of the Kiev police Department Alexander Kocar at the scene, the correspondent of UNN.

“10 APR 2018 about 16 hours in Kyiv police Department received a report that on one of the streets of the city of Kharkov there was a skirmish between the two groups, during which the unknown applied a special equipment”, – said A. Kozar.

He noted that the dispute arose while as the two companies have decided a controversial issue.

“The departure of investigatory-operative group on the scene established that do on one of the streets of the city of Kharkiv between two companies who have decided controversial issue … the conflict occurred. During this conflict, one of the groups used non-lethal weapons with rubber bullet in the direction of another company”, – he said.

The accident to the hospital delivered two people.

“Now two people were taken to the 4th hospital. Possible participants of the incident number of seven people were taken to a Kyiv police station. Now open criminal proceedings under part 4 of article 296 (hooliganism – ed.). Facts are established, from-for what there was a conflict with a traumatic gunshot or shot,” said A. Kozar.

According to eyewitnesses, one of the victims was taken to the ambulance on a stretcher.

“A crowd of people … the young people of a sports Constitution. 20-25 people … you could hear the screams. the Beats were … One was taken to the ambulance on a stretcher. And the second man went and sat in the ambulance”, – told the eyewitness of incident Nina.

As reported UNN, the teenager in Odessa region shot in the chest for his age.