The President of the United States Donald trump believes that we need to take away the Pulitzer prize from the American media that got them for articles about the investigation into the alleged collusion of his staff with the Russian authorities during the presidential elections in 2016

Gage Skidmore / Flickr

According to him, the Pulitzer prize-winning “needs to be returned because they were awarded unfairly”. “All this was false news, and they are all lying media,” said the American leader

Daniel Chester French /

On may 4 the staff of The New York Times won the Pulitzer prize the year 2020 in the category “international journalism” for a series “of exciting stories, written with great risk and exposing the predation regime of Vladimir Putin”. We are talking about eight materials and videos published in 2019


The President of the United States Donald trump believes that we need to take away the Pulitzer prize from the American media that got them for articles about the investigation into the alleged collusion of his staff with the Russian authorities during the presidential elections in 2016. About this American leader said to journalists on Thursday at the White house, calling their colleagues who have written on this topic, rogues. The words of the President of the United States made after his conversation with Vladimir Putin, quoted by TASS.

“These people have to pay a higher price for what they did to this country. They have to pay a high price and their partner, fully involved in this, was the media. The media is completely to blame, says Donald trump. And all of these writers, so-called journalists who actually are not journalists, and rogues, all these journalists who received the Pulitzer prize, need to be forced to return the Pulitzer prize back. Because they are all distorted”.

The head of state stressed that these publications, in his opinion, are false. “Because if you have seen today, new documents that were made public, they clearly see that there was absolutely no collusion with Russia,” he said.

According to him, the Pulitzer prize-winning “needs to be returned because they were awarded unfairly”. “All this was false news, and they are all lying media,” said the American leader.

He criticized those who were awarded the “lying” journalists. “The organizing Committee of the Pulitzer prize, or whoever was awarded the prize, will be disgraced as long as they do not take them back. Because they received the Pulitzer prize for what eventually proved to be false news. A Pulitzer prize should be awarded to those who wrote everything correctly. And I can give you a long list of these [journalists]”, – concluded the White house.

On may 4 the staff of The New York Times won the Pulitzer prize the year 2020 in the category “international journalism” for a series “of exciting stories, written with great risk and exposing the predation regime of Vladimir Putin”. We are talking about eight materials and videos published in 2019.

Among them – the article about the assassination of Ukrainian officials in Rivne, secret Russian structure, which is trying to “destabilize Europe”, about the poisoning of Bulgarian businessman of Hebrew, the interests of Russia in the Central African Republic and Libya, and the bombing of hospitals and other civilian targets by Russian aviation in Syria. Of the eight award articles none was devoted to Russia’s intervention in the American elections, however, trump reminded reporters that’s what.

In turn, the Russian Embassy in Washington called the noted Pulitzer publishing a collection of Russophobic lies, damaged the reputation of the publication.

We add that the trump in 2018, accused the newspaper The New York Times and other American media publishing fake news and even made the appropriate rating.

Trump wants to “reset” relations with Moscow

Donald trump said that the widely circulated rumors about the 2016 election and attributed Russia’s ties with his campaign staff interfere with his administration to build relations with Moscow. The us President also agreed with the position of Moscow, adding that the media has demonized Russia.

“This whole deception around Russia is very serious blow [features] Russia and the United States to do business. They (Russia. – Approx. TASS) a very important country, we’re the strongest country, he said. – Why can’t we do business with each other? The history of deception around Russia fundamentally dishonest, making it very difficult for us building relationships”.

According to trump, he “discussed it [on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin]”.

“I said [during the conversation], which is now a very good time [for building relationships], because things are falling apart and are arranged, as needed, proving what a hoax it was an investigation, a real shame – said the President of the United States. – I would not be surprised if we see a lot of [such] cases in the coming weeks.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his us counterpart Donald trump held on Thursday a telephone conversation, during which discussed the allied relations between the two countries, cooperation in the fight against the pandemic coronavirus, and entered into force on may 1, a new OPEC deal+ to limit oil production. As the press service of the Kremlin, the heads of state exchanged congratulations in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Victory over fascism.

Recall, the U.S. secret service, accused Russia of interference in the American election process in the fall of 2016, during the presidential election. The investigation of these attempts to manipulate democratic processes were engaged for almost two years spectracolor Robert Mueller. In particular, he was looking for evidence of collusion between the authorities of the Russian Federation and the current President of the United States Republican Donald trump. In its report on the results of the investigation dealt with the fact that the staff of GRU Russian Federation in 2016 could steal 70 gigabytes of data from the server to the Democratic party of the United States containing thousands of letters and documents. These documents were then published by Wikileaks.

The results of the investigation, Mueller confirmed charges of Russia meddling in U.S. elections. However, he found no evidence of collusion between Donald trump and Russia.

A group of spectaculara filed more than 200 charges 34 individuals and three companies. It was found that 16 people had related to the trump presidential bid, there were different kinds of contacts with the Russians. Six of them were charged with perjury.

The former head of the electoral headquarters of the trump by Paul Manafort received 7.5 years in prison, former lawyer trump and Vice-President of The Trump Organization Michael Cohen 3 years.

Charges were also brought against Deputy chief of staff Rick gates (financial fraud, perjury), a member of the election headquarters of George Papadopoulos (false statements to the FBI and contact with persons, who, as he believed, acted in the interests of Russia), the former trump Advisor Roger stone (pressure on witnesses and giving false testimony), former national security Advisor, Michael Flynn (false statements to the FBI).

Were charged and 12 Russians – “the GRU” (Main intelligence Directorate, the current name of the Main Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces) allegedly participated in the hacking of the servers of the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton, and 13 employees of the so-called “Troll factory” organized “Putin’s cook” Eugene Prigogine. According to spectracolor they influenced the political views of Americans through social networks.

Muller also studied the question, let the President trump justice in the investigation and have not come to a definite conclusion. According to the results of the investigation, attorney General William Barr stated that obstruction of justice was not. And Muller and Barr confirmed longstanding position of the justice Department, which under the Constitution the incumbent President, in any case, you cannot file criminal charges.