It seems that the followers of the bloody policy of the Kremlin has not ashamed of their criminal and anti-Ukrainian views, directly showing them to the whole country.

Blogger Yuri Gudimenko on his page on the social network Facebook reported that in a commercial Pro-Russian party “For life!”, headed by the odious Yuri Boiko and Vadim Rabinovich, sketch the State flag of Ukraine, informs “Диалог.UA”.

Gudimenko noted that his assumption was confirmed by his colleague.

Later, he rightly stressed that according to the rulebook about the use of political advertising, it is forbidden to use symbols of the state.

At the same time, this finding blogger caused quite a flurry of fierce outrage among users of social networks.

Formerly known Ukrainian political analyst Kirill Sazonov reminded eccentric Yuri Boiko about all his crimes, which he committed while in power along with the “Party of regions”.

Also popular Ukraine analyst Taras Berezovets was voiced by the one and only name of the person who will destroy the party supporters of the Kremlin, called “the life!”