The developers of World of Warships held a virtual Victory parade with the participation of ships of the great Patriotic war, and the midfielder “Tottenham” son Heung-Min has successfully passed military training in the Korean army. The pilot “Formulas-1” Valtteri Bottas took the bike to the Russian border, and the former player of “Schalke” Hianik Kamba, presumed dead, found in Germany. Eugene Lovchev told about the contract match 50 years ago, a volleyball player Alexey Spiridonov fought off the robbers. Sporty events of the past week at RT.

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Victory parade from World of Warships

Developers of the popular online game World of Warships introduced its version of the Victory parade. The scene was chosen Leningrad in the first half of 1960-ies. In the virtual version of the holiday on the Neva were battleships, destroyers and cruisers like those that participated in the naval battles of the Second world war. Despite the daytime, they “divorced” the bridges over the river.

Virtual ships attached background information. For example, from the video you can see that the cruiser “Molotov” was put into operation in 1941, developed a speed of 36 knots and had a team of 898 people, and the destroyer of the “Fire” was used already in 1945. Video of the Victory parade watched on YouTube more than half a million users.

Meanwhile, Japanese woman Hamako Mori was officially recognized as the oldest gamershell on the planet. As it turned out, an elderly lady has made to the list of Champions in November 2019 at the age of 89 years. Games she was fascinated after 50. In addition to the streams, Maury maintains a channel on YouTube with over 180 thousand subscribers. Daily Japanese playing computer games for at least seven to eight hours. She was very upset, if can not pass the next mission the first time.

The President of Argentina chose Messi Maradona

In Argentina, even during a pandemic coronavirus do not cease debate about the best football country of all time. Your choice between Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi this time was asked to make President Alberto Fernandez. To the disappointment of fans of the forward of “Barcelona”, the politician called the current coach of “Gimnasii and Esgrima” of La Plata. According to Fernandez, Maradona was on the field doing incredible things, and therefore is a more superior team player Messi.

“Diego is the best player I’ve seen,” stressed the Argentine President.

But the leader of the “Dancing undertakers” from Ghana Benjamin IDA, by contrast, was a fan of Messi. Made famous by numerous meme character admitted that all of the players would like to dance with Leo, as well as Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho. As explained by the Africans, the Portuguese, he appreciates individuality, is Argentinian for mastery, and the Brazilian — because he is always smiling. With all three IDA has expressed a desire to play football.

By the way, may 8, Barça resumed training at their base. Apparently, Messi is in good form, despite the long quarantine. Demonstrated at the first lesson after the break, the ball control has already managed to delight all sports enthusiasts.

Son Heung-Min has passed military training

The forward “Tottenham” Heung-a Mine instead of training had to undergo military training in the Korean army. According to the law of Korea are exempt from them not even the stars of the first magnitude.

For Mina, however, made certain concessions. Thanks to the victory with the national team for the Asian games 2018, he, like other footballers, was able to avoid military duty in full.

So instead of service during the 21 month son Heung-Mine had to go through only a truncated three-week fees. A well physically prepared athlete was not difficult to fulfil the required standards. So, 27-year-old midfielder has entered the top five in his age group in all parameters and showed the first result in shooting.

In addition, he withstood a 30-mile forced marches in full gear, gas attack and military exercises with biological weapons.

Course of the young fighter striker performed on Jeju island. And Heung-Min chose it for his military duties this period, when the Premier League is interrupted because of a pandemic and, thus, to avoid problems with the employer.

Heung-Min Son has completed his three-week military training in South Korea.

He hit 10/10 during a shooting course and finished in the top five out of 157 trainees, reports

— B/R Football (@brfootball) May 8, 2020Kamba Wife received payments for living husband

The former defender “Schalke” Hianik Kamba was presumed dead. And his death was documented in 2016. This was written and Newspapers.

No doubt that Kamba crashed in an accident. Now, however, the journalists tracked down the player in Gelsenkirchen, where he works for an energy company. Kamba explained that four years ago in the Congo he threw the friends, taking with them documents, mobile phone and money of the player. In 2018 Kamba has appealed to the German Embassy in Kinshasa to prove that he’s actually alive. However, due to the loss of the ID process took a long time.


Against the enemy: 78 years ago the first football match in besieged Leningrad

On may 6, 1942 took place the first football match in besieged Leningrad. Local Dynamo at the stadium met with the team…

Situation is used by the ex-wife of the athlete. She is accused of providing false documents about the death of her husband in order to receive insurance payments. The necessary paperwork the woman received in the Congo. And he Kamba claims that were not even aware of his “death.” He doesn’t live with enterprising wife, who is raising their son. If you believe the athlete, the woman did all herself, not dedicating it to their plans. She received a considerable sum, but now, apparently, will be responsible for fraud according to the law. Started investigation of the case.

Great career at Kamba, on the merits, it did not happen. At the time of his mysterious disappearance, he was playing in lower leagues. His last club was “Hulls”. But in the 2003/04 season, the defender was part of Schalke. According to German media, he predicted a great future.

Bottas made it to the border of Russia on bike

Racer “Formula 1” team of Mercedes, Valtteri Bottas, in turn, so missed the physical activity during the isolation, I decided to ride my bike. The passion led him to the border with Russia.

30-year-old pilot made an extraordinary journey together with her friend Tiffany Cromwell. They left their home in the City without any problems and reached the border crossing in Nuijamaa. The length of the segment thus amounted to 203 km.

According to Bottas, it was the “perfect trip”. Cromwell, in turn, noticed that there is no better way to explore the Finnish hinterland, than to drive a couple hundred kilometers on the bike.

“Sunshine, smiles, coffee, food — what could be better?” — she added.

However, way back a couple chose to do on the car.

It is not excluded that Bottas has in Russia a special feeling. It is on the Grand Prix in Sochi in 2017 he won his first victory in the “Formula-1”.

Beautiful 203km ride from Nastola to the Russian border today with @tiffanycromwell 🇫🇮 I mean why not 😉💪🏼

— Valtteri Bottas (@ValtteriBottas) May 8, 2020Lovchev told about dogovornyak

The best football player of the USSR 1972 Evgeny Lovchev given over to quarantine memories of the old days. In an interview with the FE, the former player of “Spartacus” sudden admitted that in 1970 its partners handed over the match with the “Chernomorets” in Odessa.

If you believe Lovchev, red-white, then have a guaranteed third place, and their opponents were threatened with relegation to the first division. Why Spartacus decided to help need glasses the team for a “modest fee”. Thus, according to Lovchev, he refused to take the money.


Pogrebnyak with a pig, Isinbayeva with a wheelbarrow and Panarin with the cushion: as athletes and have fun in isolation

Forward “Ural” Pavel Pogrebnyak visited with his family on the farm, and his wife Maria played subscribers by showing you a picture of the beach….

“I was sure that the money does not have three — I, Vic Father, crystal football man, and nick Abrams. But Cole brought during the break. How much did you pay? 500 rubles each, I told the boys,” — said Lovchev.

However, the victory of “Chernomoretz” are not saved. Odessa still had to go to the lower class.

Party games 50-year-old Anzor of Kavazashvili with accusations from former teammate disagreed. According to the former goalkeeper in his head Lovchev “cockroaches running around”. Kavazashvili supposedly already shamed colleague for various inventions.

“In that game we choked, and I all goals taken, missed. At the end of the player “chernomortsa” in the mess swung into an empty net attempt, I set the ball, and he turns to me with a terrible cry, with the Mat: “what are You up to, anyway?! You didn’t say the money was given?!” He paused for a moment, and then I realized that really a game any of the players were sold,” said Kavazashvili, but from himself all suspicion decisively averted.

Spiridonov complained about the attempted robbery

Volleyball player Alexey Spiridonov said that he was attacked by two unknown. The incident occurred near the office of one of the banks in Moscow, where he came with a friend.

“One was a bream, the second for the knife, barely got out alive like,” said the athlete in his Twitter account, calling the attackers Uzbeks.

However, not everyone believed the story Spiridonov. Some called him a dreamer, others tried to clarify how the person can determine the nationality of the perpetrators.

Later, the player was told that the attack happened in the Parking lot at the shopping center, located on the Kiev highway near Moscow. While Spiridonov refused to go to the police, explaining that he “normal guy”.

But the police found the attackers. It turned out that a few minutes before meeting with Spiridonov, one of the criminals with a knife in his hand had an argument with Bank employees. They wrote the statement, and the attackers opened a criminal case under article “Hooliganism”.

The police athlete has found out that his assailants are not Uzbeks, as he stated previously, and Tajiks.

“I apologize to the Uzbeks,” wrote Spiridonov on Twitter.