The Ukraina, futbol 1 and futbol 2 channels are the cost of political advertisingphoto: the Sonata Group

The second political ads on TV costs up to 5,7 thousand UAH, on the radio – 4 UAH per 1 n of

28.12.18 52010

Political advertising in the election period of the President is the most expensive stands on the TV channels “Ukraine”, “Soccer 1” “Soccer 2” – 5,658 thousand UAH/h. airtime in Prime time, while radio maximum rate up to 4 C/sec. in Kiev. This writes Interfax-Ukraine with reference to the announcement by the Ukrainian TV-radio Voice of Ukraine.

Less likely candidates for President of the cost is in the interval from 1:00 to 6:00 – 0,24 UAH on TV “Estimated” until 1498 UAH on the TV channels “Ukraine”, “Football 1” and “Football 2”. The second night of advertising on the “New channel”, STB, ICTV and M1 will cost UAH 1.2 on NewsOne – 520 UAH.

Advertising in the interval from 18:00 to 19:00 – the most expensive: from 8.4 UAH (Sunday) on channel 5658 M2 to UAH Ukraina, futbol 1 and futbol 2 (weekdays only).

Second advertising in this time interval on the “New channel” will cost UAH 872,4 Sunday and 495,6 UAH on weekdays; on STB–, respectively, in 1296 668,4 UAH and UAH.

On ICTV per second will have to pay UAH 886,8 Sunday and 927,6 on weekdays, and on “inter” and NewsOne – 2660 UAH 650 UAH, respectively, regardless of the day of the week.

  • See ALSO: Is the “New course” cost “Fatherland” in 100 million UAH, – kiu

Advertising in the interval from 7:00 to 8:00 – 2,4 UAH (Sunday) on channel M2 to 839 UAH on the TV channels “Ukraine”, “Football 1” and “Football 2”.

Second advertising in this time interval on the “New channel” will cost UAH 75,6 Sunday and 135,6 UAH on weekdays; on STB–, respectively, in 247,2 UAH and UAH of 182, 4; ICTV – 320,4 334,8 UAH. On “inter” and NewsOne – 510 UAH 420 UAH respectively, regardless of the day of the week.

Channel “Direct” offers to buy a second live from 1:00 to 17:00 for 500 UAH, and from 17:00 to 1:00 – 700 UAH.

Radio remains the most expensive airtime in Kiev – up to 4 UAH/min. day and 2 UAH/min. at night the radio “Chanson”. Airtime in the cities and Lviv worth UAH 0.3/sec. up to 1,5 UAH/min., in other regional centers and cities of regional value from 0.1 to 0.8 UAH/min.

We will remind, the Ministry of information policy is ordered on the British CNN International 15.4 million UAH. This is evidenced by the data in the “Proterra”.