The U.S. house of representatives, January 3 begin to work in the new structure and is now controlled by the Democratic party late in the evening approved the document on the extension of Federal funding of the U.S. government. In the adopted budget did not include funds for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico

USCapitol / Flickr

Nancy Pelosi

US Department of Labor / Wikipedia

The U.S. house of representatives, January 3 begin to work in the new structure and is now controlled by the Democratic party late in the evening approved the document on the extension of Federal funding of the U.S. government. In the adopted budget did not include funds for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico.

The new speaker of the house of representatives elected 78-year-old Nancy Pelosi, reports Reuters. The adoption of the budget put an end to a 13-day suspension of the work of the U.S. government. When this was ignored the request of the President of the United States Donald trump on the allocation of 5.5 billion dollars to build a barrier against illegal migrants.

Democrats did not stop the White house statement threatening to veto the decisions of Congress and the Senate. On the wall the house of representatives has allocated just $ 1.3 billion plus another 300 million in other border needs associated with safety, such as installing cameras.

“We’re not going to build a wall. It has nothing to do with politics. It’s an old way of thinking,” said Pelosi to reporters. “Trump wants to build a wall that is not advisable. The cost of this design more than the benefits it will bring,” – said the speaker “to”. How would Pelosi spent on the wall, she stated that not more than one dollar.

The Republican majority leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell has said the Senate will not accept documents that “will not be able to obtain the signature of the President.”

As for trump, he January 3, appeared in the hall briefings of the White house in the company of guards and told reporters, what may be called the wall a barrier or anything, “but we need protection in our country.” “Without the wall we have no control over the border. Call it what you like, but no wall, no border security is not ensured. Drones and other types of sensors are good, but they can not solve the problems in this country”, – said the American leader.

Earlier, trump had said that he would veto any document on the extension of government funding that will not include funds for the construction of a wall at the border with Mexico, notes TASS.

In fact, the Democrats adopted two documents on the financing of the government: one involves allocations only to unlock until the 8th of February the work of the Ministry of internal security, which is responsible for border security, and the second involves the funding of all suspended work offices until September 30. But both of them are expected to be blocked by the Senate January 4, as of Thursday, the upper house of Congress is not in session.

Donald trump offered to build a wall on the border with Mexico to solve the problem of illegal immigration. The construction of this project required $ 5.7 billion from the budget, but the U.S. Senate, where most seats are occupied by Republicans, refused to approve the budget expenditures for the construction of the wall. In turn, the American leader fulfilled the threat of a partial government shutdown if he doesn’t seek the approval of the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. The work of the American Federal institutions was suspended on December 22.

In late August, the President of the United States, Donald trump told TV channel Fox Newsthat the construction of the wall has already spent $ 3.5 billion from the us budget, but want to increase funding to five billion dollars.

On 11 December, the President said that the wall is partially finished and promised that the military will finish the construction of the fence, even if the Democrats in Congress won’t approve allocation of losses of the budget for this project.

The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico to halt the influx of illegal immigrants in the United States and to put a barrier in the way of the drug has become one of the most high profile trump promises during the election campaign. Then he estimated the project approximately in $ 12 billion and declared that for the construction of the wall will pay Mexico. However, later, the American leader recognized that to implement the project at least in the initial phase will have on the money of US taxpayers.

The theme of the construction of the wall re-entered the agenda in connection with several caravans of migrants, from mid-October moving from Central America, mostly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, through Mexico, to find a new home in the United States.