In the segment of electricity distribution DTEK group works in Kiev, the Dnipropetrovsk region and in Ukraine-controlled territory of Donetsk region.

Group, DTEK plans to concentrate 68,2949% of shares of JSC “Odessaoblenergo” and 93,9978% PJSC “Kyivoblenergo”, – informs the official website of DTEK.

Reportedly, 3 January 2019, OOO “DTEK Neftegaz” (Ukraine) and NGR B. V. (Netherlands) signed contracts for the sale of the shares of these companies. Contract concluded with a suspensive condition and will be finalized after obtaining the necessary permissions from state authorities, including the approval of antitrust authorities.

“Odessaoblenergo” and “Kyivoblenergo” are the operators of the distribution system in the Odessa and Kyiv regions and do not operate on the electricity supply. The activities of the operators of the distribution system is fully adjustable NKREKU.

In the segment of electricity distribution DTEK group works in Kiev, the Dnipropetrovsk region and in Ukraine-controlled territory of Donetsk region. The company serves 3.5 million households and 90 thousand enterprises.

According to the national Commission, in 2017 the electricity losses in networks of “Odessaoblenergo” (13,7%) and Kyivenergo (17%) was much higher than in distribution companies “DTEK Kiev power” and “DTEK Dnieper power” (7% and 4.6%, respectively).

As reported at the operating holding company “DTEK network” engaged in the distribution of electricity in 2018, the approved investment program of the holding’s enterprises exceeded UAH 1.2 billion.