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State bodies – the national Commission carrying out regulation in the sphere of energy and utilities, Ministry of energy and the Office of the President of Ukraine are addressing problems with delays in payments for the produced “green” electricity, which arose due to the controversial decisions of the District administrative court of Kiev.
This was during a briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers was declared by the head of the State Agency on energy efficiency and energy saving Sergey Savchuk.
“Despite the fact that we are seeing such good momentum for implementation of the National action plan for renewable sources of energy, now by the decision of the courts by order of the national Commission on tariff setting “Ukrenergo”, – said Savchuk. This decision has blocked payments to renewable energy companies. According to him, the last time the problem of payments for green electricity occurred in 2015, then producers were not paid for several months.
The head of the Saee said that the situation should be resolved, because the industry of renewable energy has brought to Ukraine a 2.5 million Euro investment, which built about 3 GW of green capacity.
“I am confident that today the representatives of the government and representatives of the office of the President is kept abreast of, and therefore this issue will be resolved,” – said Savchuk.
It is expected that on 21 August 2019 for the Sixth administrative court of appeals will continue considering appeals NKREKU, SE “NPC “Ukrenergo” SE “Guaranteed buyer” for the decision of the District administrative court of Kiev on the administrative claim.
Earlier, the District administrative court of Kiev suspended the regulations of the national Commission, which approved the tariff for NEK “Ukrenergo” on transfer of electric energy and operatively-technological management. This tariff also sets the compensation for producers of green electricity, which led to the formation of the debt to the renewable energy stations.
According to the head of the company “Gidroenergoremont-Akvanova” Igor Tynna, whose company joined the suit as a third party, the decision of District administrative court of Kiev will lead to an outflow of investments from Ukraine.