We offer to your interest a chronicle of the main events in the occupied Donbas for the current week.


Pushilin and the beekeeper are planning a meeting with Putin in Crimea, Moscow made a loud offer to Donbass

New photo Chicherina with the “iconostasis” scared of social media – fan terrorist “L/DNR” framed Prilepin

Boroday told what role Akhmetov has played in the creation of “DNR” in 2014: the recognition of outraged social networks

APU under the Free forced the enemy to regret the fatal attack – the “LC” lost and destroyed machinery

“MGB” complains Moscow on the mood of the militants: “it is Better to be alive as a stevedore in Rostov than 200 m”

Pushilin “buried” Russia in Crimea – social network “blew up” frames as “pierced” the leader “DNR”


The separatists called it a “terrible dream”: the destroyed Luhansk militant miner nicknamed “Bully” – photo

Gorbulin about the return of Donbass Ukraine: “it Will be a success, but not victory” – video

In the Donbass APU fatally struck by militants from “DNR/LNR” new “cargo-200”

Residents of Donetsk struck by the photo destroyed “Donbass Arena”: “Give us back in 2012”

New predicted the outcome of full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia – Putin’s army is waiting for an unpleasant surprise

“Fired 8 bullets, one caught up with me,” reveal the truth about the crime of the occupier in Donetsk

Medical students “DNR”, “threw” diplomas: online trouble from inquiries “took a course 6 years”

The OSCE has witnessed the kidnapping of men in the Donbas by the Russian forces – loud details

“Three of the cordon searches as the circles of hell” – a Frank story from Donetsk on the checkpoint of terrorists “DNR” blew up the social networks

The Network reacted strongly to the elimination of the two occupants of the Russian Federation in the Donbass, “the only Good militant is a dead militant,” – footage

Russian invaders suffer losses and think “x 200”: APU prevented accurate strikes provocative enemy fire

“Ru**cue the soldiers go home, the only home in the Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk, you are not happy – colors will not” – blogger

The gunman confessed how he shot the residents of Donetsk and APU fighters: the story of how Russia killing Ukrainians in Donbas

Occupiers openly “mock” over the Donbas – social networks are outraged by the plans of the Russian Federation to Donetsk


The invaders brought the miners to the Apocalypse – the city is “paralyzed” with sewage, crowded hospitals

The realities of life in the “LC”: one video showed what has come to Luhansk in the occupation – frames

In “DNR” collect forced meetings on the occasion of presidential elections in Ukraine – Moscow’s plans clarified

APU Happiness turned into “load-200” dangerous mercenaries of the Russian Federation of a Rhinoceros, – details

Loud inside of Donetsk Pushilin of the meeting: Russia, everything is already invented, we are waiting for the “captivating” three weeks

Leader of the “DNR” Pushilin severely humiliated in the Crimea and found his place in this world – video

In “DNR” closes the largest metallurgical plants – people in panic: do not know what to do

In the Donbass killed 22-year-old Russian terrorist nicknamed Bolik

The curators of the Russian Federation are strictly ordered not to release the militants beyond the “L/DND”: in the Donbas can break out the aggravation

Four Russian mercenaries surrendered OOS: how the militants managed to secretly take out “L/DNR” for their request

Photos from Lugansk: why Luhansk Ukraine betrayed – frames

“Victory is ours!” – in the Donbass killed a known terrorist

The Russian army went on the attack, rattling fire of mortars and grenade launchers near the peaceful villages of Donbass.

Eliminated the BMP-1 Russian invaders in the Donbas: the soldiers of the OOS stopped the enemy attack on front line

Russia urgently strengthens military units: Donbass came a large consignment of equipment of the Russian Federation, of a state border drawn dozens of tanks


Grim footage from the Donbass: so will every settlement, which wants to encourage “ru***s the world” – photo

A resident of Donetsk: “Bright future misunderstandings of “DNR” is not, and never will be – “the Republic” is preparing for “beginning of the end”

A single mother from Sevastopol went to war for “LNR”, but he died, forgotten by all, a – frames

The militants “LNR” announced the transition of APU soldier on their side: “Grab office documents”

“Adviser to the head”, “LC” Miroshnik disgraced a fake about the “atrocities” of the Ukrainian volunteers in Donbass – video

The flag of Ukraine in the occupied Donetsk: separatists in fury by the courage of Ukrainian patriots – photo

The story of a resident of Donetsk: sooner or later we get back home, I and hundreds or thousands like me, will return and will refund the Donbass Ukraine

Over the occupied Donetsk raised the flag of Ukraine – social “buzz” from a powerful photo

Coins Zakharchenko, the brand Metrology and Givi: “L/DNR” have fun social sharing Souvenirs with the “team of 200” – photo

Video accurate to counter the APU won Network of militants “200 e”: “Nebrat, enough to roam the Ukrainian land”, – Stefan

The position of the “DNR” Yasinovataya blown up by the devastating impact of the APU: “in recess,” video of attack

The occupants of the Russian Federation said the dead and wounded: APU defeated the enemy the payback for the attack at Avdiivka and Marinka


In the Village of Lugansk and the Maori “Armageddon” – the inhabitants of “LNR” EN masse to withdraw money and “storm” stores

Gryzlov told the conditions under which Moscow would end the war in the Donbass, but ran into a sharp response

Mercenaries “LC” destroy each other – occupied Bryanka has stirred up high-profile crime

In the occupied Debaltsevo students are taught to be like a terrorist “thick” frames

In the Donbas restless: in the area of environmental emergency happened, which killed two soldiers APU

The Kremlin protects from unwanted Donbass mercenaries: the security forces of the Russian Federation stolen in Donetsk two “Limonov”

“Returned today from Gorlovka – city is dying…” – the cry of the soul from the Donbass after the arrival of the Russians was struck by the social network

Russia threw to Donbass new division: the Russian soldiers immediately thrown into battle with the APU

A large-scale invasion of Russian army in Donbas, Girkin has told about classified information to Moscow

Promotion of the APU into the front under a Groove: the cutting forces OOS to step away from the defeat of the “L/DNR”

In “LNR” reported on the introduction of forced labor service – media

Ready for war in Donbas: on the checkpoint in the area of environmental protection seized the Russian mercenary

Korchinskiy made a loud statement about the liberation of Donbass – video

The Network showed footage of the Russian zrpk “Pantsir-S1” in the Donbass in 2014

In Donetsk, the singer Gazmanov fell through the stage during a concert: a video epic of the fall of the artist ridiculed Putin in the Network

Russian occupant in the Donbas have caught the cynical plundering of money; “smart” mercenary Putin

Mercenary “DNR” Ant made it easier for the APU and personally liquidated himself up with a grenade


Near the city of Lugansk pensioner was blown up by Russian mine – first details

APU swift blow smashed the dugout “DNR” and eliminated Tatar terrorists are scared of big losses

“Dnrovtsy” dealt with his commander and fled to the “LC” is the act of a terrorist caused a great noise in the Network

The mouthpiece of terrorists “DNR” Bessonov broke and “returned” occupied Ukraine “LC” village – footage of the incident

“Motorola” may be alive on one condition: the guy was surprised by the loud version on the elimination of militant “DNR”

In “DNR” squeezed “cargo 200” for eliminated Cedar from Kazakhstan – relatives of militants cry in the Network

The apiarist’s pipe dream have fun social networks – the leader “LNR” mercilessly ridiculed

“Don’t even try to hide the presence of Russian troops”, – the Lugansk came a new guard “battle of the Yakuts” by Putin

In the Donbas tense: the car exploded, where there were soldiers APU.

The occupants of the Russian Federation has hit the APU of a prohibited weapon – Donbass shuddered from explosions dozen shells

The comparison of salaries to residents of Donbass and “DNR” for “killed” militants: “why we die and why do we have that Putin”

Russia is preparing to occupy the whole of Donetsk region: the Kremlin ordered Pushilin to attack the first object – blogger

The UN published statistics of the deaths of civilians of Donbass 2018

Russia destroyed another truce in the Donbass: militants strike occurred in the vicinity of the Town – the details

Motorola is alive: there is evidence of dramatization of the death of militant “DNR” – the media


In Donetsk on a visit arrived Russian stars Irakli and son Gazmanov, the media called, the tour about sudden

The President threatens Ukraine with the use of force: the leader of “DNR” angered by what happened in the Donbass

Strelkov said it was supposed to capture Odessa and Kharkov: video

The militants “LNR” struck a blow for the business: adopted the controversial “law” – details

Ukraine’s army defeated a guided missile strengthen separatists “DNR” – bright pictures

Residents of Donetsk rebelled: “Europe is life, everywhere life, and we have a “DNR” at 9 PM already the light is turned off”

Caught on the border: the ex-terrorist handed over the Russian curators “LC” – video

Russian army is preparing sophisticated provocations in the Donbass election day March 31: in OOS revealed the plans of the enemy

Soldiers of the APU will not be able to vote in the election: New made an important announcement for the forefront in the Donbass

Stefan about the huge losses of the Russian Federation on the Donbass: “one of the only cemetery in debaltseve buried 18 fighters”

In the Donbas silent weapons of the militants, “L/DNR” for the first time in a long time, the enemy was quiet on the entire line f