Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Andrés Manuel López Obrador / YouTube

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has called on drug cartels to stop the violence, not to help the needy, giving during a pandemic coronavirus food to the population, reports Reuters.

“I take this opportunity to appeal to those who are engaged in organized crime. I saw you were giving out parcels. It doesn’t help. It would help if you stop doing crime,” – said the President.

According to lópez Obrador, members of the gangs should think about the suffering they cause their victims and their families.

According to Reuters, a week ago there were reports that several Mexican cartels send masks, soap and food to the needy. While the drug cartels “renderout” box and put on them the names of the gangs.

Of the publication on which volunteers distribute the aid from the drug cartels, appeared in social networks 701 El Chapo, but later became unavailable.
In addition, the newspaper El Universal reported that members of the groups “New generation Jalisco” and “Golfo” organized the distribution of food packages to the population in the territory of the Mexican States of Guanajuato, Colima, Michoacan, Nayarit, Zacatecas, Tamaulipas and Jalisco.

Analysts approached by the Agency, consider that the published photos are genuine.

On April 19 in Mexico was recorded 105 homicides per day, the highest daily figure since the beginning of this year.

From 31 March there is a state of emergency due to pandemic coronavirus. According to the who, to April 21, in Mexico recorded 8261 case Covid-19, 686 people died.

#OJO #VillaDeReyes #SLP

Con total impunidad Integrantes del Cártel Jalisco Nuevo Generación #CJNG entregan despensas por el #COVID19mx a gente de bajos recursos en Villa De Reyes ,San Luis Potosí.

— La Voz Del Pueblo ( Oficial ) (@LPueblo2) April 12, 2020