The plant of reinforced concrete structures in Odessa there was a fire

KIEV. 30 Dec. UNN. The fire started at 15:04 on the territory of the plant reinforced concrete structures in a one-story building. Reports UNN citing the press service of the State service of Ukraine for emergency situations.

“30 Dec, 15:04 in Odessa on the street Borowski, on the territory of the plant reinforced concrete structures in a single-storey building on fire in the area of about 700 square meters”, – stated in the message.

According to preliminary information, no victims.

Extinguishing attracted attracted 39 personnel and 8 pieces of equipment of gschs of Ukraine. The fire is localized at 15:59.

As reported by UNN, in Jagodina, Kyiv region burned the store of household and electronic appliances, the store owner died. It was established that ignition arose in part single-storey building of household and electronic appliances, a 10 × 10 m.