Experts Organizatsii for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) came to the conclusion that the implementation in 2017 of chemical weapons in the conflict in Syria are government forces

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“The panel of inquiry and fact-finding concluded that there is good reason to believe that individuals who used sarin as a chemical weapon in Latamne 24 and 30 March 2017, and chlorine as chemical weapons March 25, 2017, is the military of the Syrian air force,” – said in the report

Human Rights Center (HRC)

Experts Organizatsii for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) came to the conclusion that the implementation in 2017 of chemical weapons in the conflict in Syria are government forces. This is stated in the published on Wednesday the report of the organization.

“The panel of inquiry and fact-finding concluded that there is good reason to believe that individuals who used sarin as a chemical weapon in Latamne 24 and 30 March 2017, and chlorine as chemical weapons March 25, 2017, is the military of the Syrian air force,” – said in the report.

It noted that “so serious from a strategic point of view the attack could be carried out only on the basis of the given high-level orders of the command of the Syrian Arab Republic.”

The group of experts of the OPCW, March 24, 2017, su-22, the Syrian air force dropped a bomb with sarin in the southern part of the town of Latamna. From toxic substances injured at least 16 people, reports “Interfax”.

March 25, 2017 a Syrian army helicopter dropped a container of sarin at the hospital in the same city, believe in the OPCW. As a result of this bombing injured 30 people.

And 30 Mar 2017 Syrian su-22 dropped another bomb with sarin on Lacamno. From toxic substances injured at least 60 people. The OPCW in all cases indicates how many people have been exposed to the toxic substance, without specifying the extent to which they have suffered.

For the first time the OPCW not only defines, whether applied in Syria chemical weapons, but also indicates who according to the organization, is responsible for this. Director General of the OPCW Fernando arias, in turn, noted that further action regarding the issue of accountability should be taken by countries signatory to the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, UN Secretary-General and the international community as a whole.

“The panel of inquiry and fact-finding is not a judicial or quasi-judicial body which has powers to impose personal criminal liability. The group also has no authority to make the final conclusion on the issue of failure of the Convention… Now it’s the fact that the Executive Council and the conference of the parties to the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, UN Secretary-General and the international community in General took any further action they deem appropriate and necessary,” said arias.

Initially the mission of the OPCW was not empowered to make charges in the investigation of cases of use of chemical weapons. They wanted to check whether it was in a particular case to use chemical weapons. In 2018, the OPCW experts has been mandated to point out the guilty in the use of chemical weapons, although resisted by Russia and Iran.

Damascus has repeatedly denied allegations of use of chemical weapons.

In June 2018, the OPCW confirmed the use of sarin and chlorine in the province of Hama in Syria in March 2017.

Recall, last fall the U.S. permanent representative at the OPCW, Kenneth ward stated that Russia played a key role in hiding evidence after the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Duma in April 2018. The city at that time was held by the rebels. In the result of a chemical attack killed more than 40 people.

“Unfortunately, the Russian Federation has played a Central role in this cover-up. Although Russia and Syria are sitting here with us, in a fundamental sense we are apart. They continue to use chemical weapons,” said ward.

“These allegations unconvincing. We don’t agree,” said the statement of the American side, Russia’s permanent representative at the organization of Alexander Shulgin. He once again condemned the creation of the OPCW in June of 2018 group to investigate and identify the perpetrators in the use of chemical weapons, calling the decision illegal and politicized. Syrian representatives, in turn, said that they would not cooperate with those conducting the investigation.

The OPCW has become a diplomatic standoff between the West and Russia after Russia has blocked the UN decision to extend the work of joint investigation teams, vyasnyanka circumstances hematic in Syria with the use of nerve gases chlorine and sarin.